Morning is not

Morning is not
Morning is not
only sunrise,
Its a beautiful Miracle of GOD that
defeats darkness &
spreads light,
may this 1 b the
Most Beutiful Day

Jun, 08 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     1826 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

FoRgEt ThE sOrRoWz
LiKe NeW sUn ShInE,
aLwAyZ fEeL gOoD aBoUt
YoUrSeLf No Ma88eR
wHaT sIzE yOu ArE .. !!

G o_O d

HaVe A LoVe fIlLeD dAy (:
()¤() CLOSE
( -,-) YOUR EYES
(‘’)(‘’) AND
()¤() ()¤() DAT
( ‘,’ ) ‘,’ ) WE ARE
(‘’) (‘’)`)(‘’) 2GETHER.
( . . ) A SWEET
‘=, ’,=’ MAANO

% G00D M0RNING %
Moon ne band ki lighting, Sun ne suru ki Shining. Murge ne di Warning, Ki ho gayi hai Morning, Toh phir hum bhi bol de GOOD MORNING
V r nt strong n powerful evryday
th8 V weep if need b
2 feel d luv n blosoming of a flower th8 was 1nce a seed
& yes reborn
if need b

Good a.m (=
Sometimes Road Traveled

Turns Out To Be More

Beautiful Then

Destination Reached

Enjoy Leading Ur Life

No Matter What It Turns Out To be

Good Morning ... :)
As d Sun Kisses U

Did U Hear GOD Whisper
"I Love U" 2 Ur Ear ?

Hop d Noise Of d Day
Won''t Drown HIS Voice

As HE Repeats Dese
Words 2 U All Day
Gud A.M
An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on ur face!
A cup of coffee in ur hand And a message from me on ur mobile!!!
Hope uve had all the three!!!Good Morning...
A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face,
telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated.
So here"s a big smile just for you. Good morning
Lonely no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my
thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you.
I love you.
We have a Strange and Unique Friendship.. U-Strange.
Me-Unique! Ha,ha,ha. Smile my friend. its a Beautiful Morning
Silence Is The Best way To Keep Away Problems.Smile Is A
powerful Tool To avoid Many Problems So Hav A silent Smile
Good Morningggggg
Behan Log Ko Salaam,
Dosto Ko Hi,
Buzurgo Ko Adaab
Girls Ko Pyar,
Aur Khas Ko Jaise K Aap,
Jadoo Ki Jhappi With Pappi . . . ;->