I can appreciate coffee

I can appreciate coffee
I can appreciate coffee without cream, nights without lights,
meals without rice, burger without cheese, but never a day
without greeting U. Gud Morning!

Jun, 08 2010     156 chars (1 sms)     2572 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Always welcome a new day with a Smile on Ur Lips,Love in Ur
Heart & Good Thoughts in Ur Mind....And Ull always have a
WoNderFuL DaY..GoOd MoRnInG...
Morning greetings doesn"t only mean saying Gd Morning, it has asilent
message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!
M-ake the most of it.
O-pen your heart and mind.
R-emember to thank God.
N-ever frown
I-magine me
N-othing to worry.
G-ood Morning!
It makes me so happy, this is what i m gonna do, Send a good
morning sms right back to youuu, Good Morning my Friend, HAVE A
It is a
''''M''''ind touching
''''L''''ong lasting
Its your ''''SWEET SMILE''''
So Keep smiling always,

True friends are like morning,U cant have them whole day..,
But can be sure theyll be there when u wake up Today,Tomorrow
& forever...Good Morning.....
Dr"s prescription for today.A cute little smile for breakfast.
More laugh for Lunch,Lots of happiness for Dinner,Dr"s fee...
whole Day think of me....G@@D Morning...
Morning Breeze,
Morning Coolness,
Rising Sun,
Singing Birds,
Melting Dew,
Along With This

"Little Heart"

Wishing A Very

"Glorious Morning".
O V Sawere Sawere. :-)
Good Morning.
Laughter Is Like

A Fresh New Day

Each Giggle Is The Dawn
Of A New Morning


Bright Up Your Day
With Smile ...

Gud Morning
When You Speak From Your Heart

And Say The Words Your Soul Has Only

Dared To Whisper,

That''s When Miracles Happen !!

So, Believe In Yourself

Good Morning
''Change'' Doesn''t ''Happen''
When Circumstances ''Improve''
''Change'' ''Happens'' When "YOU" Decide To ''Improve'' Your Circumstances...

GoOd MoRnInG (: