Morning greetings doesn

Morning greetings doesn
Morning greetings doesn"t only mean saying Gd Morning, it has asilent
message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!

Jun, 08 2010     134 chars (1 sms)     2634 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

There Truly Is A Blessing Contained In Every Moment
Wether It Reveals Itself As A Lesson Or An Insight
A Precious Memory Rekindled.
It’s A Blessing Still

Have Blessed And Gr8 Tyms

Gud Morning
Roses R Famous
For Grace;

Advocates R Famous For Case,

Horses R Famous For Race,

But U R Famous
For SMILE On Ur Face,
So Keep Smiling Always!
he send us sunrise in the morning. he listens 2 u when u talk.
he could live anywhere in the world , yet he choses to live in
your HEART. face it GOD is IN LOVE WITH U. good mornning!!!!!!!!!!
Wakeup & Wink those Teeny Weeny Eyes.Stretch those Inzy Winzy
Bones,Wear that Jolly Winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day...
G@@d M(:)rning....
I WISH 4 U...Great start 4 Monday...No obstacles 4 Tuesday...
No stress 4 Wednesday...No worry 4 Thursday...Smile 4
Friday...Party 4 Saturday & great fun 4 Sunday...
Have a nice weekend (GUD MORNING)
Wheen I pray I Don"t C God But I Know He Listen When I Sms
I Don"t C U But I Know U Read My Messages With A smile
"Good Morning"
Tusi savery savery
Kinay “Sweet”
Kinay “Pyary”
Kinay “Masoom”
Kinay “Zaheen”
Kinay “Shareef”
Tay Kinay “Sohnay”
banday da msg parh rahy ho…
Life is too short to wake up
in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right
forget about the ones who don't.

Good Morning
Gud Morning. . . .

The rising sun
age old
yet new and inspiring
lighting up the world
with its soft pink rays;
just watching the familiar hues
dance on the still water
I return to emotions
that never truly left.
Just as the sun sets
it rises again
wide arms embracing a new day.
Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get?

Keep smiling always it increases ur face value?

Good Morning and Have a terrific day?
Value each precious moment...morning brings hope,aft nun
brings faith,eve brings love n" nite brings rest...wish u
find dem all 2day.HAVE A NICE DAY:-)
Appreciate life itself even if

it''s not a bed of roses.

Contentment is not fulfillment

of what u wish 4

but appreciation of what u have.

Gud Mrng!