Every morning has g

Every morning has g
Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope.
It"s a perfect day coz it"s God"s gift. Have a blessed, hopeful
perfect day to begin with.Good Morning

Jun, 08 2010     168 chars (2 sms)     2026 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

U may not think of me when ur happy n having a good time,It"s
fine, but please don"t 4get me when ur sad n alone coz.
I want to be the first one to make u happy. Good morning!
FoRgEt ThE sOrRoWz
LiKe NeW sUn ShInE,
aLwAyZ fEeL gOoD aBoUt
YoUrSeLf No Ma88eR
wHaT sIzE yOu ArE .. !!

G o_O d

HaVe A LoVe fIlLeD dAy (:
Each Tear Drop

Fall With Sorrow

Hoping , Wanting

A Better Tommorow ... =)

Gud Morning


Have A Nice day A Head
Little keys can open big locks...

simple words can express great thoughts...

hope my sweet wishes can make your day lighter and smiling.

Good Morning
God Gave Us Memories

That We Might Have

June Roses In

December Of Our Lives.

Good Morning

Have A Wonderful

Saturday And Keeep Smiling:
in Life, aLways remember one thing before doing something good or bad ..
“what you do
is what
defines you” …

Gud morning!
A cup of hot hello"s, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of
sweet smiles and A slice of great sucess, hope this breakfast
makes u"r day lovely. Lovely & Beautiful Good Morning
There Should Be

A Better Way


Start A Day


Waking Up

Every Morning . . . ;->
Care is 1 main ingredient tht keeps closeness alive despite
distance & schedule. Since I can''t always c u, let my care b
with u 4ever & ever...

GoOd MoRnInG . . .:)
I cried when I had no shoes. Suddenly I stopped crying when i saw a man without leg.
Life is full of Blessings sometime we don’t understand it.

See How Beautifully
GOD Has Added One
More Day In Your Life

Not Necessarily Bcoz
You Need It
But Because
Someone Else
Might Need "U"

GuD MoRnInG ... (:
A nEw DaY
a NeW sUn
MaKeS uS tO hAvE
a NeW rUn
CoMe OuT Of
YoUr DrEaMs
sEe ThE wOrLd OuTsIdE
wAiTiNg FoR yOu
As A nEw DaY hAs
AlReAdY bEgUn

GoOd MoRnInG (: