U''ve 2 Walk Ur

U''ve 2 Walk Ur
U''ve 2 Walk Ur Own Walk In Dis Lyf
n As U r Traveling Down Ur Road
Dun Luk Down @ Ur Feet, Keep Ur Head Up
n Ur Eyes Focused On d Road Dat Reachz Ur Golz

Gud A.m

Jun, 07 2010     169 chars (2 sms)     1919 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Excellence Isn''t Something That
U Can Just Turn On & Off
Whenever U Need It.
Its A Habit,
That''s Rooted In Attitude
& Effects Every Part Of Ur Life
Gud A.M.. (:
(''.'')> (''-'') <(''-'')>
<\"\ /"/
_/"\_ _/"\_ _\"''\_
good morning from
Are bhaiya All iz well
New Morning+ New Aim+ New Achievement + Ur Dedication +
Commitment=Success...Just do it and win it Good Morning....
Good Morning

Whenever U feel Urself
in d sea of

Just go & offer ur
prayer then bow Urself
be4 HIM !

Close Ur eyes
Now universe is mch
more bright, U''ll feel
better !

Tell HIM everything wid
tears. Don''t hide
HE know d heart !!

U must feel
HE is listening U
as a sincere friend

HE ''ll show U right way
HE ''ll solve Ur probs !


HE is d most merciful
He is d most beneficent
HE is d only LORD
HE is d great ALLAH ...
Our lives are always so hectic

with little time to spare,

but days get brighter

when u get a msg from someone

saying "Good morning...."
As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower U lots of luv & happiness to make ur day a meaningful one.

Good Morning!
Let Us Not Worry
About The Future
Let Us Only Do
The Right Thing
Today, At This Moment
Here & Now
Let The Future Take Care Of Itself

G o_O d Morning (:
Morning is a wonderful blessing. . .

Either sunny or stormy. . .

It stands for hope . . .

Giving us another start of what we call "Life"

hAvE A bLeSsEd MoRnInG
No cute sayings to say, no cute graphics to send.
Just a simple good day, hope that will be okay.
Value each precious moment...morning brings hope,
aft nun brings faith,eve brings love n" nite brings rest...
wish u find dem all 2day.HAVE A NICE DAY:-)
HoPe Is ImPoRtAnT
It CaN mAkE tHe
LeSs DiFfIcUlT tO bEaR
If We BeLiEvE tHaT
2MoRoW wIlL bE bEtTeR
We CaN bEaR
A hArDsHiP tOdAy

GUD A.M (:
makes the day
(=( ;_; )=)

that the best
thing (;_;) we can
do (;_;) (;_;) to
make (;_;) life easy

Gud morning!