Don't be upset and get caught up with things or people that cannot change. Instead, move on, let go and focus on what you are able to change. The things that enhance your life. You deserve to be happy. Good Morning
Kainaat k sare rang, Rangon k sare Phool, Phoolon ki sari Khushboo Khushbu ki sare khushi. Khushi k har lamhe, or in lamhon se bharpoor, Zindagi ki Dua sirf Ap k Naam. GOOD M0RNING
Khushi Ko Karo Save
Rishto Ko Karo Recharge
Dosti Ko Download
Dushmani Ko Erase
Sach Ko Broadcast
Jhuth Ko Switch Off
Tension Ko Not Reachable
Pyar Ki Incoming On
Nafrat Ki Outgoing Off
Language Ko Control
Hassi Ka Outbox Full
Aansu Ka Inbox Khali
Gusse Ko Hold
Muskan Ko Sent
Help Ko Ok
Self Ko Autolock
Dil Ko Karo Vibrate…
No One Is Born Happy
But All Of Us Are Born
Wid The Ability 2 Cre8 Happiness
So Today Make Others Happy
FlashUr Sweetest Smile
Gud Morning n Day Full Of Smiles Ahead =)