
Don't be upset and get caught up with things
people that cannot change.
Instead, move on,
let go and focus on what you are able to change.
The things that enhance your life.
You deserve to be happy.
Good Morning

Jul, 18 2013     214 chars (2 sms)     2471 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Cheerful people are like Sunlight. They shine in to the corners
of the heart & offer bright mornings & fresh hopes. Gud Morning
to one such person
March On
Do Not Tarry.
To Go Forward Is To Move Toward Perfection
March On
Fear Not The Throns
Sharp Stone''s On Life''s Path

GuD mOrNiNg ^_^
Kainaat k sare rang, Rangon k sare Phool, Phoolon ki sari Khushboo Khushbu ki sare khushi. Khushi k har lamhe, or in lamhon se bharpoor, Zindagi ki Dua sirf Ap k Naam. GOOD M0RNING
Lonely no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my
thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you.
I love you.
Cool Morning Breeze
Pearly Dew Drops,

Waving Green Leaves
Flowers Blossom,

All Bring Joy and Say,
To Start a
Happy New Day

Good Morning.
Appreciate life itself even if

it''s not a bed of roses.

Contentment is not fulfillment

of what u wish 4

but appreciation of what u have.

Gud Mrng!
sun is upset and moon is happy bcoz
sun is missing u and
moon is going to be with you the whole night
See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B"coz last night
I told them to wish U G@@D Morning.
Dreams visit us when we r asleep but GOD is truly wise,
he wakes us up each day & gives us every chance to make our
dreams come true! Gud Morning
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Dil Ko Karo Vibrate…

Always Be Happy
Good Morning
I went to sleep last night with a smile

because I knew I''d be dreaming of you.

But I woke up this morning with a smile

because you weren''t a dream. . .

Good Morning . . . :)
No One Is Born Happy
But All Of Us Are Born
Wid The Ability 2 Cre8 Happiness
So Today Make Others Happy
FlashUr Sweetest Smile
Gud Morning n Day Full Of Smiles Ahead =)