sweet morning

sweet morning
Life is too short to wake up
in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right
forget about the ones who don't.

Good Morning

Jul, 18 2013     147 chars (1 sms)     2628 views       Good Morning

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Life is raw material.. We
r artisans.. We can
sculpt our existence
into something
beautiful or debase it
into ugliness.. It''s in
our hands ...

GoOd A.M (:
Sun glows for a day,Candle for an hour,Matchstick for a minute,
But a good day can glow forever,So start ur day with a mile...
Good Morning
New day new blessing.Don"t let yesterday"s failures ruin the
beauty of today,b"coz each day has its own promise of
Good Morning...







Kia ? ab kia subha ka nashta bhi dy kar jaon , bas keh diya na

GoOd MoRnInG
Little keys can open big locks...

simple words can express great thoughts...

hope my sweet wishes can make your day lighter and smiling.

Good Morning
Words Spoken By Sum1 Sumtymz
Leads You To Different Skies Filled
Wid Delinquency Of Those
Moments Which Can B Cherished
Even In Desolation Of Life n Make
You Believe Those Moments
Would Return
1ce Again 2 Adore
To Fill Your Life Wid Colors Of Rainbow

G o_O d
M o R n I n G

Have A Worry Free Sunday (=
Silence Is The Best way To Keep Away Problems.Smile Is A
powerful Tool To avoid Many Problems So Hav A silent Smile
I Make Dua That
Happiness Be At Your Door
May It Knock Early
Stay Late
Leave The Gift Of
ALLAH''S Peace, Joy
& Good Health Behind

U may think that I forgot u. U may think that I don"t care,
And U may think that I"m not thinking of u. Well, you"re wrong.
You"re still in My Dreams.
God Gave Us Memories

That We Might Have

June Roses In

December Of Our Lives.

Good Morning

Have A Wonderful

Saturday And Keeep Smiling:
Morning Time a Cup of Hot Hello,
A Plate
Crispy Wishes,
A Spoon
Sweet Smile
A Slice
Great Sucs's.
Only 4 U.
U'r day.
Your soul came back from dreamland reunited with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realise its a brand new day. Good Morning.