Message SMS Messages166 messages

I Wait 4 EiD 2e Send a Message 2 You..

I Wait 4 EiD 2 Pray 4 You..

I Wait 4 EiD 2 Ask ALLAH a Place in Jannat 4 You..

[--EiD MuBaRaK--]

Its more than just an Eid wish,
more than a Message too.

For it comes with warm and loving thoughts
because it’s meant for you.
As I look outside I see the breeze
Caress the leaves from the trees
And carry them to all around
Gently laid upon the ground
I see the birds so high above
Their songs sing of our special love
And laid upon their soft sweet wing
Your love to me they gently bring
And as they start their graceful descent
Delivering a Message that’s heaven sent
One thing I know and will hold so dear
When I see them fly I will feel you near
U luk sweet when u read my Message.
U luk sweeter when u read my Message & smile.
U luk sweetest when u read my Message, smile & reply.
So, try to look sweetest.
Don"t send any Messages,
I don"t want to see you,
hear your voice,
think of you,
coz my doctor advised me 2 keep away from Sweets
10 Messages received,
1, HI,
2, Hello,
3, I miss U,
4 How r U?,
5, hope ur fine,
6, keep smilling,
7, Take Care,
8, God bless U,
9, Be happy,
10, Gud night.!
YOU know..?

What''s d Best thing about our Friendship.. ?

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

It''s d FIRST word of this Message..;-)
10 Messages received, 1, HI, 2, Hello, 3, I miss U, 4 How r U?, 5, hope ur fine, 6, keep smilling, 7, Take Care, 8, God bless U, 9, Be happy, 10, Gud night.!
A strong bonding does''nt need daily Messages,

Doesn''t always need calls.

As long as love lives in the heart,

true friendship never departs.
A strong bonding does''nt need daily Messages,

Doesn''t always need calls.

As long as love lives in the heart,

true friendship never departs.
The best feeling in the world is
when u think that ur frnd forgot u
Suddenly u receive a Message frm ur frnd saying
“I m missing u
In every crisis there is a Message.
Crises are nature''s way of forcing change--
breaking down old structures,
shaking loose negative habits
so that something new and better
can take their place.