A strong bonding

A strong bonding
A strong bonding does''nt need daily messages,

Doesn''t always need calls.

As long as love lives in the heart,

true friendship never departs.

Jun, 16 2010     151 chars (1 sms)     6340 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

H-m T-m
will never complete without "u"
fr-end sh-p will never complete without "i"
so "u" & "i" must be there 4 ever 2 keep hum tum frnds 4 ever...!
Just A Note 2Say That Our Friendship Has No ENding & Its Grows On & ON

Just A Note
Friendship Help UsOpen Our Heart In Way That We Thought Were Never Possible

Just A Note

Thankyou 4 Being EveryThing 2 Me
ThankYou 4 Being My Friend
Never keep your good friends in your eyes
They may fall as tears from your eyes
Always place them in your heart
So that every heart-beat remind you
Wats college life?

It consists of so many first experiences in life..

1st freedom

1st cell

1st night out

1st crush

1st girlfriend/boy friend

1st breakup

1st project

1st call/letter

1st feeling of responsibility

1st of so many

& finaly d last of bye

2 all loving frnds


2 stay frnds FOREVER!
Friends Are Like Wedgies ...

They''re Intimately Close

They Know Your Inner Self


It Feels Great When You Pick Out A Good One ... ;->
Friends r lyk mornings,

u may share with dem

only a few hours of d day.

But u knw dat they will

always b there tomorrow,

the next day and the day after,


"KHUDA" Kare har din apki khushian Petrol k Rates ki tarha Barhti Rahin,


"Or Ghamoo ki Supply Bijli ki Tarha Band Rahen

Friends are like Colour Pencils..
They colour our lives,
I may not b your favourite colour,
But hope u''ll need me some where 2 complete your Picture....
True friends are like mornings,
u cant have them the whole day,
but u can be sure,
they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow,
next year and forever.
Tere dil ko sajayenge apne arman dekar,

tere labo ko hasayenge apni muskan dekar.

Dosti ki kasam tujhe kafan se bhi utha layenge

tere sharir me apni jaan dekar
No sound in this world can be more louder than silence

And if someone cannot understand your silence, he can never understand ur words
der r ppl v talk nd laugh wid everyday
yet da frendship ends der
bt der r dose whom v rarely gt 2 talk nd meet
yet v knw dat dey r worth keeping