Message SMS Messages166 messages

Isn’I It Nice Feeling
When You Think
I have Forgotten You

Suddenly You Receive A Message
Saying U’re Alwayz Remember & Greatly Missed
My Message To The World. . .

If U Like Me...

Raise Your Hands. . .

If Not,

Raise Your Standards . . . |''!''|
" Health Tips "

1. Answer The Phone By Lert Ear.

2. Do Not Drink Tea 3 Times In Day.

3. Do Not Take Pills With Cool Water.

( New Chain Of Health Messages )
Cute Feel : My Hands Never Pain

When Typing Message For You,

But My Heart Always

Pain When

There Is

No Reply

From YOU.!!
This Message Has
No Fat
No Cholesterol
No Additive.
This Is All Natural Except
With A Lot Of Sugar
It Can Never Be As Sweet As The One Reading It. =)
Keep The Smile
Leave The Tear

Think Of Joy
Forget The Fear

Hold The Laugh
Leave The Pain

Be Joyous Till
I Message Again ... :)
A Short n True
Message For LIFE ...

Care Should Be In
Heart And Not In
Words... !

Anger Should Be In
Words And Not In
Heart ... =)
The first gush of chilly winds!

The familiar anticipation of long walks!

cold nose, numb feet, warm breaths!

The fog!

The vermillion tree leaves!
Oranges, Coffee, Friends!

"The best is yet to come"

Thats the Message winters bear..

So make lasting memories..!

Happy January !
One of the best Messages
i''ve ever received.

Life is beautiful*...









*Conditions apply.
Excluding all taxes :)
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When I Give U a Message,,
May Be U Smile :->

But When U Give Me a Message,,
I Kiss My Mobile!! :-|
Thala! Thala! Kattadura Namma Poochipandiku Message Anappikite Irukkan.
Kattaduraiku Kattam Sarilla Namaku Message Anapparathe Avanuku Polapa Pochi Eduda Cella Anappuda Gud
Morni, Gud After, Gud Night Messagea
Thala Namma Cellula Balance Illa Ok Next Meet Panren
Everyday Sun Rise To Give Us A Message That Darkness
Will Always Be Beaten By Light.
Let Us Follow The Same
Natural Rule And Enjoy The
Festival Of Good Defeats

Happy Dashhara