Isn’I It Nice Feeling

Isn’I It Nice Feeling
Isn’I It Nice Feeling
When You Think
I have Forgotten You

Suddenly You Receive A Message
Saying U’re Alwayz Remember & Greatly Missed

Jun, 19 2010     143 chars (1 sms)     1873 views       Decent

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Life mein kbhi compromise karna pade to don’t hesitate.

Jhukta wahi hai jisme jaan hoti hai,

Akad hi to murde ki pehchan hoti hai..
Dukh ...

Bicharne Ka Nahi Hota

Bal K

Un Rishto''n K Tuutne
Ka Hota Hy

Jo Barso''n Ki Rafaqat
K Baad

Pal Main Tuut Jate Hyn ...
NeEdInG sOmEoNe Is
LiKe NeEdInG a
PaRaChUtE ...
If He IsN''t ThErE tHe
FiRsT tImE yOu NeEd
HiM, ChaNcEs ArE yOu
WoN''t Be NeEdInG hIm
AgAiN ... (= ;->
Never seem more learned than the people u are with. Wear ur learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Don''t pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when u are asked
Zara bhi un k chehray say pata chalta nahi dil ka
Eibarat itni mushkil hai k hum tafseer parhtay hain
Treasure Every Moment That You Have. . .

Yesterday Is A History. . .

Tomorrow Is A Mystery. . .

Today Is A Gift. . .

That''s Why It''s
Called The Present. . .
Loving Urself Is


Caring 4 Some1 Can b


U Mi8 Nt Remember A
Small Act Od Caring


It Mi8 b d Brightest
Moment In Some1''s
Life =)
My Silence Doesn''t Mean
"I Forget U"

My Disappearance Doesn''t Mean
"I Don''t Care About U"

Our Distance Doesn''t Mean
"V r Far"


U''re Always In
Never try alone 2 take the weight of tear that comes out of your heart and falls through your eyes..
Always Remember A friend here to share ups and down in life.
As yOu grOw Older, yOu will discOver
that yOu have twO hands,
One fOr helping yOurself,
the Other fOr helping Others.
Never break 3 things in ur life,

Because when they break,
they don''t make noise,
But they give pain a lot....
the hardest thing in life is to explain the reason how much you are true and sincere with someone.