Everything Is Incomplete

Everything Is Incomplete
Everything Is Incomplete Without ME







Even This ..ssage!

So Dont Forget ME.

Jun, 19 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     1910 views       Decent

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A Relationship
Should Have
The Determination
Like A Mirror
Which Never Loses
Its Ability To Reflect
If It Is Broken In To
Thousand Pieces
Meaning of life...

Happiness is not something you find, It''s something you create.

Nothing in this world is IMPOSSIBLE as the word is "I M POSSIBLE".

LIFE IS NO WHERE - can be read as - LIFE IS NOW HERE.

This is the reality of life. It depends how you treat it. Be Positive. Keep smiling, it improves your face value.../
A man is the head of the family and
the wife is the neck.

The neck turns the head exactly the way it wants.
People Are Not Beautiful

As They Look
As They Walk
As They Talk

People Are Beautiful

As They Sincere
As They Care
As They Remember ... (:
When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we dont see which one has been opened for us..
You can fool all of the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough
Happiness is like a Radio station
It wil b Broadcasting all time
U just hav 2 learn how 2 tune in and recieve it properly. . . . .!
We live in r Dreams
Dreams May Die.
Don''t get shattered & never cry.
The world is big n has lots to give.
Pick a new Dream
Start Again.
Gud Day.. . . . .
4Jaghon pr
4Chezon pr Qabo Rkho.!

1.Kisi k ghar me apni Ankhon pr,

2.Dastarkhan pe apne Hathon pr,

3.Mehfil me apni Zuban pr,

4.Ibadat me apne khayalat pr!
A HuG ....






tHaT mUsT b WhY

GoD gAve Us ArMs ... =)
The Biggest Suspence Of Life is :
We Know 4 Whom We r Praying..
But ''''We Never Know The Person Who Is Praying 4 Us''''...
Good Relationship r
Like Trees
They Demand
Attention & Care
In The Beginning
Once They Blossom
They Provide You
Shade In All Situations
Of Life ...