If there''s light in the soul

If there''s light in the soul
If there''s light in the soul
There''ll be beauty in the person.

If there''s beauty in the person
There''ll be harmony in the house.

If there''s harmony in the house
There will be order in the nation.

If there''s order in the nation
There''ll be peace in the world.

Jun, 19 2010     291 chars (2 sms)     2204 views       Decent

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when the lips are closed,the heart begins to speak.
When the heart is silent,the soul blazes up
bursting into flame and this illuminates
the whole of our life...
Hello buddy what''s up do u
know how''s the mussam



Simple yar.!

Mussam is aussam...!

Got iT..

Have a great day..!.. ;->
Tasvir-e-Kainat Ka Aakash Hy ALLAH

Dil Ko Jaga De Wo Ehsas Hy ALLAH

Ae Banda-e-Momin Tera Dil Kyun Udas Hy

Dil Sy Zra Dekh Tere Paas Hy ALLAH... o_o
It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is
mighty, but action with faith is mightier. Desiring is helpful,
but work and desire are invincible.
Ab ke bichhade to shayad,
khyalo me mile,
jaise sukhe hue phool,
kitabo me mile.
"Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances"
The tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter.

So forgive the one who hurt you.

They will realize ur worth one day
There Is An Important Difference Between "LOVE & FRIENSHIP". . .

While The Former Delights In Extreme & Opposites , The Latter Demands Equality .
"One Can Cross An Ocean Widout Wetting His Legs
Cannot Cross His Lyf Widout Wetting his Eyez"
Yet We Smile . . .
That''s Life . . .
Gate Of Memories Wil Never Close,
How Much We Miss Our Friends Nobody Knows,
Days Will Pass Like Years,
We Will Remember The Memories In
Silent Tears,
Did Any1 Ever Tell
U Just How Special
U r !

The Light Th8 U Emit
Mi8e Even A Light
Star !

Did Any1 Ever Tell
U How Important U
Make Others Feel !

Somebody Out Here Is
:)ing Because Of
Something U Said Or
Did !

Did Any1 Ever Tell
U Just How Much
They Like U !!

Life ... Surely Is
Joyful With
The real art of conversation is not only to
say the right thing at the right time,
but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing
at the tempting moment....