I Am Thankfu

I Am Thankfu
I Am Thankful...
I can move about freely and express my beliefs.
There are those who live in constant fear.

I Am Thankful...
I have been loved.
There are those for whom no one has ever cared.

I Am Thankful...
I can work.
There are those who have to depend on others for even their most basic needs.

I Am Thankful...
For the opportunity to help others.
There are those who have not been so abundantly blessed as I.

Jun, 19 2010     431 chars (3 sms)     1970 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

There is a lot of difference between human being and being human.

A few understand it.
"Ignorance Up to a specfic time

will rise your value

When it is adopted as a habbit

It Will make Others to Ignore you"
Surkh ankhon say wo jab hamein dekhtein hain
Hum gharbra kar ankhein jhuka letay hain
Kaun milay un ankhon say ankhein
Suna hai who ankhon sa apna bana letay hain
" Health Tips "

1. Answer The Phone By Lert Ear.

2. Do Not Drink Tea 3 Times In Day.

3. Do Not Take Pills With Cool Water.

( New Chain Of Health Messages )
Everyday I see Lots of Strangers
Passing By me,
Dis make me realize dat,
Life would b BORING,

Widout YOU!
Meaning of life...

Happiness is not something you find, It''s something you create.

Nothing in this world is IMPOSSIBLE as the word is "I M POSSIBLE".

LIFE IS NO WHERE - can be read as - LIFE IS NOW HERE.

This is the reality of life. It depends how you treat it. Be Positive. Keep smiling, it improves your face value.../
Never believe what the lines on your hand predict about your future.
Because,people who dont have hands,also have a future.
I learned dat even if u r right.....u can''t keep everybody happy....

and I learned dat it hurts when ur friends don''t trust u and accuse u of something which u never ever intended.....
Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all the good things are yours.
In ‘The Universal Bank of God'', God stores his blessings & deposited 365 days full of love, faith & happiness for you. So, Enjoy spending.
Life Is Like A Book
Turn Over The
Pages Day By Day....
You Can Find New
Experience Everyday.
So Enjoy Ur Life With New Experience.
Gud Afternun
Delete My Name
From Ur

Delete My Msgs
From Ur Inbox

Only Keep Me

Ur Heart 4ever...