Aren''t U Glad That

Aren''t U Glad That
Aren''t U Glad That
GOD''s Hotline Doen''t Have A Recording
Tht Says
"The Number U Dialed Is Temporarily Unavailable
Plz Try Ur Call Letter"
U Can Call On Him Anytime . . .

Jun, 19 2010     178 chars (2 sms)     1936 views       Decent

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"L a u g h t e r
I s
T h e
S u n
T h a t
D r i v e s
W i n t e r
F r o m
T h e
H u m a n
F a c e .. " (=

~Victor Hugo~
1. Live without pretending.
2. Love without depending.
3. Listen without defending.
4. Speak without offending.
If there''s light in the soul
There''ll be beauty in the person.

If there''s beauty in the person
There''ll be harmony in the house.

If there''s harmony in the house
There will be order in the nation.

If there''s order in the nation
There''ll be peace in the world.
Six Things Which Weaken The Relations:
1) Misbehaving
2) Ignoring
3) Lying
4) Breaking Promises
5) Avoiding Contact
6) Doubting

Six Things Which Strengthen The Relations:
1) Good Attitude
2) Helping
3) Trusting
4) Respecting
5) Entertaining
6) Forgiving Mistakes.
One can easily understand a child who is afraid of the dark.

The real tragedy of life is when grown men and women are afraid of light.
Dont educate your children to be rich.educate them to be when they grow up, they will know the value of ,things,not the price.
People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle

and shine when the sun''s out, but when the darkness

sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is light within.
How much can sum1 care?

A man suffring frm brain tumor died.

His wife opned his cupboard

n found sum tablets wid a letter

"take them dear.

U catch cold easily when u cry."
Do You Know !

The Only Place



Comes Before


Is ....

In The

D I C T I O N A R Y ... ;->
Sometimes I lie awake at night,

and I ask,

''Where have I gone wrong?''

Then a voice says to me,

''This is going to take more than one night''.
Boy asked a girl:Why do you love Rose,which dies in a day ?
Why don't you love me,who dies for you everyday ?
Girl replied:
Oye Hoye...Angreziiii.....
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I bElIeVe In Me
YoU''vE bRoUgHt,
A lIgHt InTo Me
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
My HeArT nO lOnGeR
yOu TaUgHt Me HoW
tO lOvE n To Be LoVeD
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I m No LoNgEr ScArEd
I fEeL bRaNd NeW
eAcH dAy, As I gO
tHrOuGh EaCh HoUr
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I''vE nO dOuBtS
yOuR fRiEnDsHiP gUiDeS
mE iN aLl Go ThRoUgH
ThNx It''S aLl BeCaUsE
oF yOu .. :)