How can U spell
without I
How can U be
without I
How can U
without I
How can U
without I
now U can guess who is IMPORTANT?
"I" ;->
''TIME'' Is A Rare Luxury Which Can Never Be Purchased At Any Cost......
So When Someone Spends It With You...
It Defines The Depth Of Care They Have For You...!
Sweetest part in life is to carry all the MeMoRiEs..
The toughest part is to stay away for long time from the person who is behind those MeMoRiEs...!
Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luvs u..
Never say thanx who really needs u..
Never blame a person who really trusts u..
Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE
TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships.
When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship.
Lack of trust leads to suspicion,
suspicion generates anger,
anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation.
Only eyes speak da truth.Neither da mirror nor da lips. Da person who loves U.Can c da pain in ur eyes.While everyone else still believes in ur smile....!