On The Shore Of LiFE
All Gud Relation Are Like Waves
They Come & Go
They Touch In Such A Way
A Feeling Of Closeness Alwayz Remains Forever . . .
I Feel That Tears R The Best.
They Come To Accompany U When U R Really Happy&
They R There When U R Really Sad&
U Have No One Wid U
But They R Alwayz Wid Us
Cell Phones Can B Irritating Sometimes.
U Always Hve To Reload, Recharge Evry Nw
& Thn
Msgz r Delayd. Ntwrk Jam
Dere''s 1 Thing I Luv Abt It
It Connects Me To U (:
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.