
There is a lot of difference between human being and being human.

A few understand it.

Nov, 05 2013     87 chars (1 sms)     3499 views       Decent

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The nicest place to be is in the THOUGHTS of someone &
The safest place to be is in someones PRAYERS... (:
"ZINDGI"wohijo guzr gai
"SANSAIN"wohijo leli
"ANSOO"wohijo beh gye
"KHUSHI"wohijo mil gai
"GHUM"wohijo beet gya
"CHAHAT"wohijo sada Rahe,
pati patni jab aapas me ruthte hai
to palang ke bich me bahut jagah
khali ho jati hai,
aur jab unke bich pyar hota hai to
palang ke kinare khali ho jate hai.
If u wait to b happy, you will wait forever, but if you start to b happy, you will be happy forever!
Some Times God Wants Us To Meet A Few Wrong Ppl
By Meeting The Right One So That
When V Finally Meet The Right Person. We''ll Know
How To Be GrateFull To That Gift ..
When you want to enjoy life, think today as your life''s First day. When you want to achieve something in life, think today as your life''s Last day.
A man is the head of the family and
the wife is the neck.

The neck turns the head exactly the way it wants.
The difference between ability and character is...

ability will get us to the top, but character will retain us at top.

Be at top always! Gud Day!
zarorat tor dati he goror-o-be nayazi ko, na hoti koi majbori tu har banda khuda hota,
While I m lying in bed I
think about U
I know how V all r
growing up
Struggling to make
a place in the ''big big
How 1 day V r gonna
get busy wid Our lives
I just want U to know
I m scared to lose U, I
don''t want U to
I want U to be around
I want U to stay beside
I want U to make me
laugh n smile 4ever
just like U''ve always
U''ll remain special to me
4ever n ever n U r 1
of those Friends I
won''t ever 4get (=
Develope An Attitude Of Gratitude
Give Thanks 4 EveryThing That Happens 2 U
Knowing That Every Step Frwrd Is A Step Towards Acheiving
SomeThing Bigger & Better Than Ur Current Situation....
Just go to hell
yes you
u only !
because only you can change
hell into heaven by your sweetness.!