A Child Laughs Abt

A Child Laughs Abt
A Child Laughs Abt 400 Times A Day

But Man Laughs Only 15 Times A Day,

B A Child By Mind.

Forget Ur Worries & B Happy A Child Laughs Abt 400 Times A Day

But Man Laughs Only 15 Times A Day,

B A Child By Mind.

Forget Ur Worries & B Happy

Jun, 19 2010     254 chars (2 sms)     1882 views       Decent

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A Smile Stadts On Lips . . . A Grin Spread To Eyes . . . A Cuckle Comes From The Belly . . . But A Good Laugh Bursts Forth From The Soul. . . Overflows & Bubbles All Arround :)
Surkh ankhon say wo jab hamein dekhtein hain
Hum gharbra kar ankhein jhuka letay hain
Kaun milay un ankhon say ankhein
Suna hai who ankhon sa apna bana letay hain
iT''s A


M''''ind Touching''''


L''''ong Lasting''''

E''''ffect Which Wins The Hearts''''

Yes... iT''s Ur SMILE...

So Keep Smiling Always .... :->
At Age Of 3 V Started Study
Wid Tear & Age 23 V Will Finish Study
Wid Tear.

1st Tear Was Water & 2nd Wud B

Fear Of Missing

Dear Ones Forever
In Life,
Don’t Settle For Someone
Who Can Buy A Coffee For You ,

Go For Someone
Who Can Actually Make It For You !

Sometimes Little Efforts Make
A Big Difference :-)
My relationshp wid u is like
Break it
Crush it
Squeez it
and evn
Beat n grind it

u wl alwayz
get swetness
"Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances"
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh but i never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry...
Sacrifice is greater
than Love,
Character is greater
than Beauty,
humanity is greater
than Wealth,
Nothing is greater than
Good Relations..
And Good Relations
don''t necessarily
mean finding
Its just about
Differences .. (:
HeateD Go|d BeCoMes OrNamEnT

BeaTeD CoPpeR BeCoMeS WiRe



ThE MoRePaIn U GeT In LyF

MoRe Va|ueAb|e U BeCoMe....
I could fill a thousand pages, telling you how i felt, and you still would not understand. So now I leave, without a sound, except that of my heart shattering as it hits the ground
"L a u g h t e r
I s
T h e
S u n
T h a t
D r i v e s
W i n t e r
F r o m
T h e
H u m a n
F a c e .. " (=

~Victor Hugo~