It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.
Words Are The Most Powerfull Thing In The Universe . . .
They Are The Containers Which Contain
Faith Or Fear
& They Produced It After Their Kinf . . .
So Think Before U Leap
Let All My Smile Be Yours
All Your Tears Be Mine,
Let All My Happiness Be Yours
All Your Sadness Be Mine,
Let The Whole World Be Yours,
Only YOU Be Mine…
Rab ne "Maa" ko ye azmat-e-kamaal di,
Uski dua pe aayi musibat taal di,
Quran ne "Maa" k pyar ki is tarah
misaal di,
Jannat utha k "Maa" k qadmon me daal di..
Good Unerdtsanding Btewene
Ecah Ohter Is Rael FierndSihp!
Eevn If We Hvae So Mnay
MsiUnerdsantndig Lkie Tish Msseaeg,
Btu i Konw U Cna Raed WtihOtu Msitkae !!