Jab Tak Chiragh

Jab Tak Chiragh
Jab Tak Chiragh Na Jaley Shaheedon Ke Laho Se..

Kehte Hain Ke Jannat Main Chiraghan Nahi Hota.. !!


Jun, 19 2010     134 chars (1 sms)     2311 views       Decent

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Lyf May Sumtymz b A Rough Road 2 Walk On
Whr Evrything Seemz Rong
Dun Giveup. Jst Go On Coz
Whn U Fink U r All Alone
Luk Bck & U''ll Find Me Walkin Along ... :)
Walking alone is not difficult
When we have walked a mile with someone then coming back alone is very difficult
MeMoRiEs SoMeTiMeS BeHaVe In a CrAzY WaY . . .

TheY Leave u AlOnE wHeN u ArE In A CrOwD . . .
WhEn U aRe aLoNe ThEy StAnD AlOnG U LiKe A CrOwD . . .
I Am Thankful...
I can move about freely and express my beliefs.
There are those who live in constant fear.

I Am Thankful...
I have been loved.
There are those for whom no one has ever cared.

I Am Thankful...
I can work.
There are those who have to depend on others for even their most basic needs.

I Am Thankful...
For the opportunity to help others.
There are those who have not been so abundantly blessed as I.
I Laugh , I love , I Hope
I Try , I Hurt , I Need ,
I Fear , I Cry & I Know
You Do The Same Things Too
We Are Really Not That

''''Me & You'''' (:
Seprations r those wounds

dat nobody can heal

& memoris r those treasurs

dat nobody can steal.

But dont separate to make memories.

so plz stay in touch !!!
Aap mughay
Aik jaga

Se bohAt


Lagte hain.?

maloom hai kahan sE?

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice....
but for those who love....
When you want to enjoy life, think today as your life''s First day. When you want to achieve something in life, think today as your life''s Last day.
Know about a true lover :

a true lover is* 1 who tels dat u r cute , instd of sexy,*

1 who cals u bck whn u cut d cl in angr.*

1 who stay awake jst 2 wtch u slep*

1 who kises ur eys first then ur lips *

1 who want 2 show 2 d wrld wt u mean 2 him*

1 who holds ur hnd not ur waist, in frnt of his frnd
We always feel bad
think that good things
happen only to others


we forget that we
are others for someone else.....
Whats Sweeter:
Sms Or Miss Call.

Ans: Miss Call,
Becoz It Shows Someone Is Terribly
Missing U That He Or She Is Wordless
To Say Or Write.