Our Khaki TIGER''s

Our Khaki TIGER''s
Our Khaki TIGER''s Hunt At Front Of Enemy..
White LEOPARD Are In Blood Frezing Mountains..
Our EAGLES Measurs The Hight Of Skys..
Our SALER''s Know Where Is Depth Of Black Sea..
Time Lead Us,
Our Mothers Praying Us..
Proud That We Are The SON''s Of Mother Land..
Peopel Called It DEFENCE,
We Call It LIFE.. !!


Jun, 19 2010     370 chars (3 sms)     2817 views       Decent

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Like a tear unshed,
Stalling the ache.
Or, a deluge uncontrolled.
Drowning hope in its wake.
Mana k
"PYAAR" ka
pehla lafz "P"
adhora hai


agar "P" ko nikal do


"YAAR" reh jata hai


Aap jese "YAAR" ho


Zindagi se b
"PYAAR" ho jata hai.
Plant the seed of desire in your mind
it forms
a nucleus with power to attract to itself......
everything needed for its full-fill-ment....
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.
Hassi ko inbox
Aansu ko outbox
Gussey ko hold
Muskan ko sent
Help ko ok
Dil ko karo vibrate
Phir dekho zindagi ki
Ringtone kitni pyari hai..
You can kiss Your "Family & Frnds" good-bye
Put miles b/w You,
But at the same time
You carry Them with You
in Your heart, mind & stomach,
"You don''t just live in a world but a world lives in You" =)
Two Aspects Of Life

If V Become Too Sentimental,
It Is Too Hard To Lead Life

If V Become Too Practical,
Its Too Tough To Respect Relation
Life May Be Hard
Not Alwayz Fun
When Nite Brings Dark
Morning Brings Sun
When Life Seems
Nobody Seems To Care

Dil Se Yaar Krna

I''ll Be Alwayz There (:
Life is cricket
Don’t lose Ur wicket,
Try 2 get century,
Never 4get Ur boundary,
Even if U r run out,
Never become mood off,
Because God is 3rd umpire.
Madad Kyun Maangte Ho Auron k Darbar Se,
Woh Konsa Kaam Hai Jo Hota Nahi Tere PARWARDIGAR Se.

Lyf''s Funny Fact-Wen U Miss Sum1,

U Msg Dem 2 Let Dem Knw Dat Ur Tinkin Of Dem

But D Truth Is U Really Wan Dem 2 Think Of U.Isn''t It. ;-)


Therz alwyz a reson 4evrythng,

a reson 2 luv,

reson 2 die,

resn 2 live,

resn 2 cry,

bt if u can''t find

a resn 2 smile,

can I b d reasn 4 a while?