Some promises r always unbroken
Some memories r always unwritten
Feel d magic of true relation
U''ll realize th8 true feelings r always Unspoken ... !
Each of us has our own unique flaws.
We''re all cracked pots.
Its the cracks and flaws that make our lives interesting and rewarding.
You''ve to accept people as they are and then look for the good in them......
Remeber It ....
Nobody is perfect!
S . M . S DoEsN''T MeaN "Short Messaging Service"
It Only Means " Sweet . Memories . Shared "
WiD A sPeCiaL, LoViNg, CarInG & SwEEt PeRsOn LiKe U . . . :->
Can U Tell Me Your Ingredients
B''coz I''ve Mixed 10000 Kg Of Sugar ,
10000 Kg Of Choclate & 10000 Kg
Of Honey But Still Cud''nt Make Person As Sweet As "U"