The appearence of

The appearence of
The appearence of things change according to the emotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really ourselves

Jun, 19 2010     149 chars (1 sms)     1956 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

U Gotta Take The Gud Wid The Bad

Smie Wid The Sad

Love What U Got

& Remember What U Had

Learn 2 Forgive

But Never FOrget

Learn From Ur Mistakes

But Never Regret

Ppl Change Things Go Wrong

Just Remember "Life Goes On" . . .

Why do Girls eat Chocolates after a break up?
The Sweetness of chocolates makes them forget the Bitterness of the break up.

Why do Guys drink after break up?
The bitterness of alcohal makes them forget the Sweetness of the girl..... =O

Is that so ... ;)
Instead Of Thinking About What You''re Missing,

Try 2 Think About
What You Have That Everyone Else Is Missing.."

Life Will Be Happy...:)
HaRdEsT MoMeNt Is NoT ThAt
WhEn u |osE SutHiNg
TeArs CoMe OuT OuT Ov Ur EyEzZz....


It'S tHe OnE, WhEn U LoSe SuMtHiNg
StI|| MaNaGe To CrY.....
If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don''t accept, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend......
Everything Is Pre-written & nothing can be re-written. So, live the best and leave the rest to God. Gud Day!
If you are comfortable in standing alone...

The world will come to you seeking
The secret of your success.
HeateD Go|d BeCoMes OrNamEnT

BeaTeD CoPpeR BeCoMeS WiRe



ThE MoRePaIn U GeT In LyF

MoRe Va|ueAb|e U BeCoMe....
Nice Ppl r Blessed Ppl
Who r

Ever Friendly
Always Smiling
Forgive Easily
Hold No Grudges
Keep No Malice

Snding Dis 2 Sch
Prson Is Tuff Job

I Jst Did :)
Superb Lines
From A Person

Who Is Lonely.

"I M Not Alone


Lonelyness Is Always There With Me
"Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances"
The tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter.

So forgive the one who hurt you.

They will realize ur worth one day