Valentine's day is day of Love When roses blossom When leaves shine with dew drops When birds sing songs When my hearts is satisfied That there is someone like you who cares about me.....
Thanks for all your love and emotions that accompanied me in my hard times and made me stronger enough to handle the difficulties. You will be always in my heart and mind. Never Forget me.
In d Rhythm Of Life
V Sumtymz Find
Ourselves Out Of Tune
As Long As
Dere''s Sum1 Whch
Bcomz Our Melody
d Music Plays On
ThanQ 4 Being
One Of My Best Songs .. (:
Life is cricket
Don’t lose Ur wicket,
Try 2 get century,
Never 4get Ur boundary,
Even if U r run out,
Never become mood off,
Because God is 3rd umpire.