when the lips are

when the lips are
when the lips are closed,the heart begins to speak.
When the heart is silent,the soul blazes up
bursting into flame and this illuminates
the whole of our life...

Jun, 19 2010     165 chars (2 sms)     1871 views       Decent

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It''s Your Action of Today That Will
Create Your Destiny of Tomorrow...!
Act Continuously, Coz There''s NO 2nd Chance...!!!
Books Me Likha He Phool Todna Mana He
Bago Me Likha He Phool Todna Mana He
Par 1 Cheez....Koi Nahi Kehta

K Dil Todna Mana Hai...
Jivan main settle hone k liye 3 factories zaroor lagao 1.Brain main ice factory 2.Zuban main sugar factory 3.Heart main love factory Phir life hogi SATISFACTORY
Aap Mere Liye 1 Phool Ki Tarha Hain ..

Jisay Hum Chor Bhi Nahi Sakte

Or Tor Bhi Nahi Saktay

tor Liya Tou Murjha Jao Gaye

Chor Diya To Koi or Lay Jaye Ga.!!!

-Luv ur bed,its ur temple,-Relax in the day,

so dat u can sleep at nite,-Books r holy,so dont touch dem,-
Dont do sumthing 2morow,dat u can do day after 2morrow,-
If u feel like studying,sit down
wait till dat feeling goes away,-
Dont 4get that studying is a healthy actvity,So leave it 4sick people.
You can kiss Your "Family & Frnds" good-bye
Put miles b/w You,
But at the same time
You carry Them with You
in Your heart, mind & stomach,
"You don''t just live in a world but a world lives in You" =)
I Feel That Tears R The Best.
They Come To Accompany U When U R Really Happy&
They R There When U R Really Sad&
U Have No One Wid U
But They R Alwayz Wid Us
Dream as if you will live forever.
Live as if you will die today.
"The great thought"

A little lamp can do which the big Sun can not do...it gives light at night
It means no one is superior by size,
But by purpose.
Missing someone gets easier everyday, coz even though it''s one day further from the last time u saw each other, it is one day closer to the next time u''ll.
The aim of life is to live,
and to live means to be aware,
joyously, serenely, divinely aware.
Did Any1 Ever Tell
U Just How Special
U r !

The Light Th8 U Emit
Mi8e Even A Light
Star !

Did Any1 Ever Tell
U How Important U
Make Others Feel !

Somebody Out Here Is
:)ing Because Of
Something U Said Or
Did !

Did Any1 Ever Tell
U Just How Much
They Like U !!

Life ... Surely Is
Joyful With