Life And Love

Life And Love
Life And Love

Are Like

Hide And Seek.

People Spend

Their Whole Lives

Looking 4 Love,

But When They Finally

Forget To Look 4 It,

They Find It

Jun, 19 2010     165 chars (2 sms)     2022 views       Decent

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I MaY NoT HaVe GiVeN

WhaT Is ExPeCtEd FrOm Me .

I''m HuMaN nOt PeRfEcT


InSiDe ThIs ImPeRfEcTiOn

LiES a HeaRt


YoU ThE BeSt ThE WaY i KnOw ... =_=
How Can You"SMI-LE" Without"I"..?
How Can You be "F-NE" without "I"..?
How can you "W-SH" without "I"..?
How can you be "FR-END" without "I"..?
"I" am very important..!
But "I" can never achieve S-CCESS without "U"..
and that makes "U" more important than "I"...
U may miss me,

You may ignore me,

U may even forget me.

But one day if you want to see me

Do not search,

just see your shadow.

I will be there.

Trust me!!!

It May be The Ray Of Sunshine


Someone Needs In The Stormy Day ... =)
Tree leaves do not look green forever,
Roses do not look fresh forever,
But I pray to ALLAH that
Smile on your lips stay forever.

Good Morning & Have A Nice Day
9 Most Brain
Damaging Habits

1. No breakfast
2. Over eating
3. Smoking
4. High sugar
5. Air pollution
6. Sleep deprivation
7.Head covered while
8. Working with your
brain during illness
9. Talking rarely

Forward To Whom
You Care About ... :)
Rab ne "Maa" ko ye azmat-e-kamaal di,
Uski dua pe aayi musibat taal di,
Quran ne "Maa" k pyar ki is tarah
misaal di,
Jannat utha k "Maa" k qadmon me daal di..
It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is
mighty, but action with faith is mightier. Desiring is helpful,
but work and desire are invincible.
~*~ Sometimes

When You Are

Really Lonely,

You Really Feel Alive


You Feel Like You Know

"Who You Are..." ~*~
A girl dresses up trying
to luk as pretty as possible...
Applies make-up & styles
her hair...
She wants to luk attractive...
...She goes out, comments 4rm
men flatters her...
They stare at her develop
dirty thoughts & Sum wud
want to act upon their
thoughts & some do ...
She didn''t want that Or
did she ? ?


Whn Islam advises women
to cover themselves & be
simple, Its not without a
reason ... Islam doesn''t
limit the freedom of women
but to make them more
Independent ...
a strong bonding doesn''t always need conversations, Doesn''t always need togertheness, as long as emotions live in heart, true love never depart
In life, u''ll never know wt u''ve been missing until it arrives... & u''ll never know what u''ve got until its Missing...
Appreciate every little thing u have <-¡!