The "CLOUDS" May Cover The "SUN"
BuT We Know That
The "SUN" Never Forgets To "SHINE"
Just Like "U"
I May Not Often See "U"
But "U" Always
"SHINE" In My "PRAYERS". . .
If An Egg Breaks Due 2 OUTSIDE Force! "Inside Life ENDs!" But... If it Breaks from inside! "Life Begins!" "GREAT Things Always Begin from Inside! So try to make your inside GOOD!
@ who r u ...?why do u
keep messaging me...?
who gv u my no........?
plz never message me again..?
me na kabhi aisa kaha ..?
nahin na
to messages kar na ...?
Its good to value the things money can buy,but its good,too,to check once in a while and make sure that you havent lost the precious things in life that money cant buy
We act as though comfort & luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.
A boy was going with his Girlfriend, a friend asked:Who is she ? . . Boy:My cousin. . . . . . . . . . . Friend smiled & said:Last year she was my cousin.