God plz grant me

God plz grant me
God plz grant me the calmness

to accept the thngs I cant change,

the courage to change thngs I can

and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.

Jun, 19 2010     153 chars (1 sms)     1809 views       Decent

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Dont educate your children to be rich.educate them to be happy.so when they grow up, they will know the value of ,things,not the price.
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful....

Sumtymz We Think Of
Why Frendz Keep
4wrding Msgs To Us
Widout Speaking Words ?
The Reason Is Dat,
Daily They Have
Nothing To Say
Still Want To
Keep In Touch ... (:

Life is like having a cup of coffee...

You sit by the window,
lift the cup,
take a careless sip,
and find no sugar..

Too lazy to go for the sugar, you somehow manage with that sugarless cup..

On finishing,
you discover undissolved sugar crystals settled at the bottom...!

Thats how life is..!

We do not make any effort to value n find what is around or within us.

So look around.
May be the sweetness you are looking for is closer than u think..!
What''s Ur opinion about!
Mohabat sy banae gae rishty muzbot hoty hain
Rishton sy ki jany wali mohabt zyda muzbot hoti hy...
Knowing a person is like music, what attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics.
The one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are100 reasons to give up, he will find one reason to hold on..
There Is A Place In The HEART
Where THOUGHTS Becomes DREAMS...
DREAMS Can B Accomplished While U
Have BELEIVE In Urself........
'Two simple lines-

Don't make any close relation without full understanding...


Don't break any close relation with small misunderstanding...!'
Let All My Smile Be Yours
All Your Tears Be Mine,
Let All My Happiness Be Yours
All Your Sadness Be Mine,
Let The Whole World Be Yours,
Only YOU Be Mine…
"Dream is not that what you see in the sleep....
Dream is the Thing which Does not Allow you to sleep...
If a smile could be a rain drop i would wish that it keeps raining throughout ur life so that there may be no place for tears in ur life.