Well wisher is not who greets you daily &
Talks to you daily.
Well wisher is one who may or may not meet you
But always think of you &
Prays to God for your happiness !!
Corporate Lessons.....
"We Will Do It"
"U Will Do It."
"U Have Done A Great Job"
"More Work Will Be Given To U."
"We R A Team"
"I Am Not The Only One To Be Blamed."
"That Is A Good Question"
"I Do Not Know Anything About It."
"All The Best "
"U R In Trouble." :)
Well wisher is not who greets you daily &
Talks to you daily.
Well wisher is one who may or may not meet you
But always think of you &
Prays to God for your happiness !!
LiFe Is LiKe PiAnO . . .
WhItE KeYs RePrESeNt HaPpInEsS & BlAcK OnEs ShoWs SaDnEsS . . .
BuT As U Go ThRoUgH LiFe . . .
ReMeMbEr ThAt
ThE BlAcK KeYs MaKe MuSiC ToO . . .
Not all angels have wings, some have cell phones too. That''s why your angel is texting you right now, saying HELLO and wishing you to be safe all the time.
Happiness is
like butterflys,
you run after it,
it keeps flying
away, if you
stand still,
it coms and
sits on your
shoulder. . .
so wish you
lots of butterflys
in your life.
i wish to
god for you
you will
always happy.
afterll i''m
RAHUL..... Happiness is
like butterflys,
you run after it,
it keeps flying
away, if you
stand still,
it coms and
sits on your
shoulder. . .
so wish you
lots of butterflys
in your life.
i wish to
god for you
you will
always happy.
afterll i''m