" A Relation Is "

" A Relation Is "
" A Relation Is "

When Sum1 Hurts U , U Don''t Hurt Back

When Sum1 Shouts At U , U Don''t Shout BAck


When Sum1 Needs U , U Always come Back

Jun, 19 2010     156 chars (1 sms)     2063 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

When a msg is sent 4m a distance,
U can''t c the faces,
U can''t c the smiles,
But u can sense d care that truly comes 4m d Heart 2 say u "Take care". . . |''!''|
wat is the secret of my energy?
then wat?
a small sweet msg from ''U'' everyday
Invite Allah Into The Chemistry of Life.

He''ll Dilute your Sorrows,

Evaporate your Worries,

Filter your Mistakes


Leave you with Crystals of Happiness!

"L a u g h t e r
I s
T h e
S u n
T h a t
D r i v e s
W i n t e r
F r o m
T h e
H u m a n
F a c e .. " (=

~Victor Hugo~
A boy tried to lift a heavy stone but he couldn't move it,

His friend asked him:Are you sure you are using all your strength ?

Boy:Yes,i am.

Friend:No you are not because you haven't asked me to help you.
"I'm your Friend & I'm your Strength"
Success Formula-

Sleep 8 hours....

Work 8 hours....


make sure they are not the same hours.. :)
Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry… Grudges, Sadness, Pain, Fear and Regrets. Life is beautiful, Enjoy it.
Realize things before its too late.
Have lots of friends before you are alone.
Accept things rather than deny them.
Love people before you loose them.

Life comes just once.
Love it while you live it.
NiKal KeR Dil Se Tere Waste Sada Aai

Uthay Haath Tou Yaad Ek Dua Aai

K Teri Umar Ko Dunya Ki Umar Lag Jaye

Waqt Saal Giany Aur Gin Gin K Thak Jaye
The Most Painful

Moment Of Life Comes,

When The Care

Is Mistaken

As Disturbance!":-)
"Coins Always Make Sound"
But The Currency Notes Are Always Silent!
So When Your Value Increases
Keep Yourself Calm & Silent
V Bridge Distance
Wid Text Msgs Still
V Know
It Fails 2 Fill
d Space
I Hope
Ours Isn''t Jst An
Exchange Of Text Msg
Its Keeping Our
Relationship Alive (=