Life May Be Hard

Life May Be Hard
Life May Be Hard
Not Alwayz Fun
When Nite Brings Dark
Morning Brings Sun
When Life Seems
Nobody Seems To Care

Dil Se Yaar Krna

I''ll Be Alwayz There (:

Jun, 19 2010     173 chars (2 sms)     1870 views       Decent

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If life is a game.I pray u always win.

If life is a journey. I pray u always walk on roses.

If life is a joke. i wish u always smile.
Two Aspects Of Life

If V Become Too Sentimental,
It Is Too Hard To Lead Life

If V Become Too Practical,
Its Too Tough To Respect Relation
In ‘The Universal Bank of God'', God stores his blessings & deposited 365 days full of love, faith & happiness for you. So, Enjoy spending.
When Will People Understand


Words Can Cut As Sharply As Any Blade



Those Cuts Leave Scars Upon Our Souls . . .
As we sail thru life, don’t avoid Storms & Rough waters, just let it Pass... Sail on! Bcoz calm seas will never make Skilled Sailors.
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh but i never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry...
The tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter.

So forgive the one who hurt you.

They will realize ur worth one day
It''s Your Action of Today That Will
Create Your Destiny of Tomorrow...!
Act Continuously, Coz There''s NO 2nd Chance...!!!
The Most Wasted

Day In Life Is

The Day In

Which We Have

Not Laughed.

-Charlie Chaplin..
Dont Spend Tym Just Working & Being Busy
U''ll Always Complain About Lack Of Tym
Instead Put A Little Bit Of Effort
Plan & Organize Ur Lyf
U''ll Realize That U Have
Tym 4 Every Thing.....
I learned dat even if u r right.....u can''t keep everybody happy....

and I learned dat it hurts when ur friends don''t trust u and accuse u of something which u never ever intended.....
If You Cannot Be A Pencil To Write Anyone''s Happiness


Try At least To be A Nice Eraser To Erase Everyone''s Sorrows . . .