10 messages received

10 messages received
10 messages received, 1, HI, 2, Hello, 3, I miss U, 4 How r U?, 5, hope ur fine, 6, keep smilling, 7, Take Care, 8, God bless U, 9, Be happy, 10, Gud night.!

Jun, 17 2010     158 chars (1 sms)     2047 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

when u r sad.........i will try ur tears
when u r scared.........i will confort ur fears
when u r worried........i will give u hope
when u r confused.......i will give u cope
and when u r lost.......and cant see the light
i shall be ur beacon.....shining ever so bright
this is my oath........i pledge tillthe end
why u may ask?........because u r my friend
All love that has not


For Its Base,

iS LikE A

Mansion Built

Upon ThE SanD.
Aapki Dosti hamein is kadar pyaari hai, Jis tarah bin paani ke machli bechari hai, Ab na aur kuch khawish hai, Bus tum DOST bane raho ye hi tum se guzarish hai ek
If u drop me, i "ll break, If u hold me, i "ll shake,
If u need me, i"ll hurry, If u don"t call me, i "ll worry,
If u hurt me, i"ll cry, but friend , If u leave me, i "ll die...
The Friend Who Luv u Will Fight U More too Bt If

u Drop a Tear He Will Fight Da World 2 Stop Ur TEars So

Never Lose The Loving Friend ) Like ME ;)
You make 10 friends,

laugh wid 9,

meet 8 of dem,

talk to 7,

celebrate wid 6,

share secrets wid 5,

trust 4,

cry wid 3,

take help of 2,

But pls dont forget 1

dat is me.../ @>--
MY friendship is just like a rubber band, It is too flexible,
Stretch it as much as u can, but if u leave it,
it "ll hurt u a lot, really a lot!
Tera Taluq Mere L¡ye ek Tøhfa Ha Khuda Ka,
Jø Kab¡ Na Tøøtay Wø R¡shta Ha Wfa Ka
Hum Tuj Kø Kab¡ Bhula Na
Saken Gy
Tujh Se R¡shta Ha esa Jese Hath or Dua Ka
Friendship is like a string, when it breaks, it may be tied again but a knot comes there at the joint. So be careful about your friends and never try to break your friendship because it may be made again but there will be bad impression of break is left in the string of Friendship
sur ha na taal ha
deekh mara kia haal ha
rang barangi is dunia main
tare dosti bay misaal ha
Friends are Angles.. sent 4m heaven dey guide U care4 U luv U & inspire U u r one of d sweetest Angels i ever had...! hope u''ll b my Angel 4 ever...!
You Can Be :
A Doctor And Save Lives,

A Lawyer And Defend Lives,

A Soldier And Protect Lives,

Or Simply Be YOURSELF,

A SWEETHEART Who Touches Life...;->