10 messages received

10 messages received
10 messages received, 1, HI, 2, Hello, 3, I miss U, 4 How r U?, 5, hope ur fine, 6, keep smilling, 7, Take Care, 8, God bless U, 9, Be happy, 10, Gud night.!

Jun, 17 2010     158 chars (1 sms)     2042 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

When a Girl Accepts Your Friend
it means she accepted Your
"Friendship" Not Your "Proposal"..
When a Girl sends you a Friend
Request it means She wants to be your Friend
not Your Girlfriend.
When She Tag you
it means she wants to share her
Thoughts with You
'n not that She's Lost in Your Thoughts..
When she comments on Your status
it means She's just being Social 'n not
When She Like Your comment
it means She like Your Comment not You. !
Dil dard ke samander me doob gaya,
magar in ankho se roya na gaya,
Tha itna pyaar ess Dil me k,
uske bagair kabar me bhi soya na gaya
A good frnd-
Not easy to obtain..

Once obtained-
Difficult to maintain..

Once lost-
Impossible to regain..

FrIeNdShIp . . .

Is cErTaInLy

ThE fInEsT bAlM

FoR tHe PaNgS oF

DiSaPpOiNtEd LoVe ... =)
LIFE Becomes LIE
If "F" Is Missed

"F" Denotes



I''m Happy To Say That
Till I Have FRIEND Like U ... =)
The base of fridndship relationship is the beleive, if u have no beleive on friend then its not ur real friendship its only time pass
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.

If u try to close ur eyes,

friendship turns in to a drop of tear

and remains in ur heart forever
feeling is a painting never spoil it,
face is abook try to read it,
love is precious never lose it,
friendship is a mirror never break it,
Time Might Lead Me
Sumwhere Away 4m
U & Fate Might Wipe
Me 4m Ur Memory...
BUT I Will Always B
Thankful 2 God Dat
Once In A Life''s Jorney
V Bcame
FRIENDS... <-:
Bharat Ka Sabse Bada Confusion Ka Din Kaun Sa Hoga ?
Nahi Maloom..!!!!
Jis Din Raksa Bandhan Aur Friendship Day Ek Saath Padega..
"A friend loves you, makes you feel alright, troubles are not troubles when you talk,

listen and accept you as you are, because you will feel the same and love the same......."
"FrndShip" is Not About Finding D Right Person BUT
Creating D Right Relation ... It"s NOT How Much We "CARE"
in D Begning BUT How Much We "CARE" till D END ..