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A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, Liked and appreciated. So here''s a big smile just for you. Good Morning
A Smile Is A Way Of Writing Ur Thoughts On Ur Face
Telling Others That They Are Accepted, Like & Appriciated
So Here’s A Big Smile Just For U
Gud Morning
Whenever I look at my palm,i wonder which of those tiny cute cris cross lines made me so lucky two meet a sweet person Like U

Good Morning... :)
Sweet and nice
with just a little spice!

Humorous and funny
yet sweet Like honey!

Laid back and cool
as precious as a jewel!

I think you''re so neat
and your friendship is a treat!

gooood morning!!!
Try hard to get what u Like (or) you will be forced to Like what u get?

Keep smiling always it increases ur face value?

Good Morning and Have a terrific day?
On The Canvas Of Life . . .

We Often Go Of Colour . . .


As Long As

People Like U There To Add The Right Shades

Life Goes On To Be A


Gud Morning


Blessed Day . . . =)
Laughter Is Like

A Fresh New Day

Each Giggle Is The Dawn
Of A New Morning


Bright Up Your Day
With Smile ...

Gud Morning
With Atomic And Meteoric Regards

My Volcanic Impulse Trembles Every Time

I Greet A Person With A Magnitude Of

Character And Charm Like You

Good Morning ... :)
All Morning Are Like Paintings

U Need A Little Inspiration To Get U Going

A Little Smile To Brighten It


A Msg Frm Someone Who Cares To Color Ur Day

Gud A.m ... :->
LiFe Is Like A
cHoCoLaTe BoX ..

EaCh ChOcOlAtE iS Like
a PoRtIoN oF lIfE ..

SoMe ArE cRuNcHy
SoMe ArE nUtTy
SoMe ArE sOfT

gOoD mOrNiNg (:
Life Is Like
Mathematics ...

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[-] Subtract Enemies

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[/] Divide Sorrows

Good Morning ...
Have A Blessed Day <-:
A Smile Is Like A
Life Is Like A Cellphone
You Insert The
Simcard Of A Smile ,
A Beautiful Day Is
Activated ...

Good Morning
Keep Smiling (: