LiFe Is LiKe A cHoCoLaTe BoX ..

LiFe Is LiKe A cHoCoLaTe BoX ..
LiFe Is LiKe A
cHoCoLaTe BoX ..

EaCh ChOcOlAtE iS lIkE
a PoRtIoN oF lIfE ..

SoMe ArE cRuNcHy
SoMe ArE nUtTy
SoMe ArE sOfT

gOoD mOrNiNg (:

Jun, 07 2010     175 chars (2 sms)     2376 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages


A Cup Of Hot Helloo

A Plate Of Crispy Wishes

A Spoon Of Sweet Smiles

A Slice Of Great Success

Specially For U

Have A Nixe Day
"Moving On Is Simple,

It''s What You Leave

Behind That

Makes It So Difficult"

Good Morning:)
Wakeup & Wink those Teeny Weeny Eyes.Stretch those Inzy Winzy
Bones,Wear that Jolly Winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day...
G@@d M(:)rning....
Bade arman se banwaya hai,

Ise roshni se sajaya hai.

Bahut dur se mangwaya hai,

Zara khidki khol k dekho

aapko good morning kahne

suraj bhijwaya hai.
HE Sends Us Sunshine In The Morning

HE Listens To You When You Talk

He Could Live Anywhere In The World ,

Yet HE Choose To Live In Your Heart

Face It GOD Is In LOVE With You

Good Morning ...

God Bless ... =)
A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here''s a big smile just for you. Good Morning
Laughter Is Like

A Fresh New Day

Each Giggle Is The Dawn
Of A New Morning


Bright Up Your Day
With Smile ...

Gud Morning
"No one can be right all of the time, but it helps to be right most of the time."


~Good Morning~

The Best Breakfast Ever Is The One

That Feeds Both The Body And Soul;

Commence Ur Day With PRAYER

And Have A Very Wonderful Breakfast

With GOD. Good Morning!
All mornings are like Paintings:-U need a little inspiration to
get going,a little smile to brighten up & SMS from someone who
cares to color ur day...G@@D [email protected] a Nice Day..
Good night my very special friend,I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you,Much love and happiness.
do not think of me...i m in ur eyes.
"You have no idea how good
it feels to wake up every
morning knowing you are
mine and i am yours"