New Morning+ New

New Morning+ New
New Morning+ New Aim+ New Achievement + Ur Dedication +
Commitment=Success...Just do it and win it Good Morning....

Jun, 08 2010     117 chars (1 sms)     2917 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Wheen I pray I Don"t C God But I Know He Listen When I Sms
I Don"t C U But I Know U Read My Messages With A smile
"Good Morning"
Morning Time a Cup of Hot Hello,
A Plate
Crispy Wishes,
A Spoon
Sweet Smile
A Slice
Great Sucs's.
Only 4 U.
U'r day.
A New Day Beginning Is Perhapes d Best Time 2 Say
It''s So Nice To Know U
Here''s Wishing Our Friendship
Continues 2 Grow In Every Dayz To Come

Good Morning ...
birds are chillaying
murgha is kukrukuing
chaand is doobing
sun is nikling
flowers are khushboo maring
peacock is naching

all are kahing
to u Good Morning


u r still soying???
In The Confrontation
B/w The Stream & The
Rock, The Stream
Always Wins
Not Through Strength
But By Perseverance
So Work Hard But
Enjoy Every Moment

Gud A.M :)
Welcome the new morning with a "Smile on ur Face",
"Love in ur Heart", " Good Thoughts in ur Mind" & you will
hv a wonderful day. Wish you a lovely Morning
Suraj ugela hai,Chand dubela hai,Murga chilla rela
Chal bhidu uthle bole to rapchik Good morning

If You Share Joys,
It Multiplies
If You Share
Sorrows, It Divides
So Always Share
Your Joys To Multiply
Your Pleasure Of The

G o_O d
M o R n I n G =)
A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face,
telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated.
So here"s a big smile just for you. Good morning
You May Hear Nothing From Me On How I Appreciate You,
Beyond That Silence, You Friendship Creates A Beautiful Sound In My "Heart"

G o_O d
/\/\orning (:
Always welcome a new day with a Smile on Ur Lips,Love in Ur
Heart & Good Thoughts in Ur Mind....And Ull always have a
WoNderFuL DaY..GoOd MoRnInG...
U say "Run"
i ask"How Far"
U say "Swim"
i ask "How Deep"
U say "Jump"
i ask "How High"
But if U say
i''ll say "NO WAY"
That''s FRiendship.