Sweet and nice

Sweet and nice
Sweet and nice
with just a little spice!

Humorous and funny
yet sweet like honey!

Laid back and cool
as precious as a jewel!

I think you''re so neat
and your friendship is a treat!

gooood morning!!!

Jun, 08 2010     217 chars (2 sms)     2023 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Cheerful people are like Sunlight. They shine in to the corners of
the heart & offer bright mornings & fresh hopes. Gud Morning to one
such person.
When nights r long & friends r few,I sit by my window &
think of u,A silent whisper a silent tear,With all my heart
i wish you were here.
Pyari si subah me pyare se panchhi,Pyare se kinare,Pyari se oss
ki boonden,Pyari si thandi hawayein,Ek pyare se Dost ko puyara
sa din de jaaye...Good Morning...
Morning Is God''s Way

Of Saying 1 More Time...

Go, Live Life, Make A Difference,

Touch One''s Heart,

Encourage 1''s Mind

Inspire 1''s Soul


Enjoy The Day!!!
Good night my very special friend,I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you,Much love and happiness.
do not think of me...i m in ur eyes.
Success is waking up in d morning n bounding out of bed
dere''s something out dere th8
U luv 2 do, th8 U believe in, th8 U r gud @,
sumhthng th8z bigger thn U r
U can hardly w8 2 get it agn...

g 0.o D
m O r N i N g .. (=
“U should be either in a part of problem “


“U should be either in a part of solution”

So start u r day in ur own style..

“Good Morning”
Words Spoken By Sum1 Sumtymz
Leads You To Different Skies Filled
Wid Delinquency Of Those
Moments Which Can B Cherished
Even In Desolation Of Life n Make
You Believe Those Moments
Would Return
1ce Again 2 Adore
To Fill Your Life Wid Colors Of Rainbow

G o_O d
M o R n I n G

Have A Worry Free Sunday (=
Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING" wrapped with sincerity,
tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy
all day long! Take Care!
Each Moment in a day has its own value
Morning brings hope
Afternoon brings faith
Evening brings luv
Night brings rest
Wish u find them all today. . .

Good morning
in Life, aLways remember one thing before doing something good or bad ..
“what you do
is what
defines you” …

Gud morning!
The mist turn to light...morning takes over the night

Another beautiful day dawning..its time to say good morning.. so Rise n shine!!!