Kehtay hain ager subah subah a

Kehtay hain ager subah subah a
Kehtay hain ager subah subah achay logon say contact kia jaey toe din acha guzerta hae. Meray leay aap sub say achay hain aor aap ko Subah Bakhair!

Feb, 19 2014     148 chars (1 sms)     3409 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

People Don''t Care

How Much You Know !!


They Know ,

How Much You Care .. !!

Good Morning ... (=

Stay Blessed
Aanko me Khushi labo par hansi,gam ka kahin naam na ho,har SUBAH laye aapke liye itni Khushiya…jiski kabhi sham na ho
good morning....
hey dear... sun is not rising, birds hv not started
chirping yet... is sumthin wrong with me or with this
morning? ohh... nw i know y? i 4got 2 wish u
Murawat Hi Sahi Par Ek Bat To Dil se Batao.

Waqai Masrof ho Ya Bhulana Chahty ho...!

Good Morningz....
A cup of hot hello"s, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of
sweet smiles and A slice of great sucess, hope this breakfast
makes u"r day lovely. Lovely & Beautiful Good Morning
Happy moments Dont forget me;Difficult moments-Trust me;Quiet moments-Call me; Painful moments Tell me;Every moment-Bless me;....Good Morning.....
Hi, I dont have any special message to wish you good morning
but you are my special friend so normal wish to you become a
special wish from my side, good morning and have a great day
An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on ur face!
A cup of coffee in ur hand And a message from me on ur mobile!!!
Hope uve had all the three!!!Good Morning...
Little Keys Open
Big Locks
Simple Words Reflect
Great Thought
Your Smile Can Cure
Heart Blocks
So Keep On Smiling
It Rocks \oo/

Good Morning (:
TIME alone can prove the worth of frienship..
as time goes by,v loose the false ones,
n keep the best......
just a sweet hello 2 one of the best....
gud morning !!!!!
Sun Can''t Come To earth

But Sends Love As Rays,

Cloud Can''t Come To River

But Sends Love As Rain,

Also I Can''t Come To U

But Sending Love & Care As SMS

Gud Morning
JuSt Go OuTsIdE
sEe ThRoUgH uR

hOw PlEaSnT sCeNe
iT iS

jUsT lOoK @ mOoN &
FeEl ThE cOoL wInD

tHeY aLl ArE hErE tO
gReEt u A sHwEeT nItE (: