Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,
Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the
ego...Thats Good Life... *Good Morning*....
G-get up O-open ur eyes O-out of ur bed D-day has risen M-Mobile beeps O-One msg recieved R-Read&enjoy N-Never mind I-Its N-New way 2 wish u G-good morning
Ther are two eternities that can really break u down,Yesterday
& Tomorrow... One is gone & other does not exist!!!So live
today only....Good Morning...
Open ur eyes! So the SUN can rise,Flowers can blossom....
Birds can sing,Bcoz all are waiting to see ur
*B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L* @S@M@I@L@E@ Good Morning.....
True friends are like morning,U cant have them whole day..,
But can be sure theyll be there when u wake up Today,Tomorrow
& forever...Good Morning.....