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Work Like u dont need the money,
Love Like u''ve never been hurt,
Dance Like nobody''s watching,
Sing Like nobody''s listening,
Live Like its Heaven on Earth.
| t0dAyZ Th0uGhT |
A human being, Like a business, makes profits and suffers losses. For a human being, however, the ultimate currency is not money, nor is it any external measure, such as fame, fortune, or power. The ultimate currency for a human being is happiness
TOdayz ThughT

"Fear is ur Best Frnd or ur
Worst Enemy.

iT''s Like Fire.

If u Can Control it,iT Can
Cook 4u,iT Can Heat ur House.

iF u Can''t Control iT,

iT Will Burn Every Thing
Around u & Destroy u.

iF u Can Control ur Fear,

iT Makes u More Alert,
Like A Deer Coming
Across d Lawn."
| t0dAyZ Th0uGhT |

For all your days prepare
And meet them ever aLike
When you are the anvil, bear...
When you are the hammer, strike!
Alphabetic advice for you:-
Avoid Bad Company.
Don''t Entertain Fools.
Go for High Ideas.
Just Keep Lovely friend Like Me
World''s most Beautiful sentence:
"...But,I Like U"
World''s most Painful sentence:
"I Like U,But.."
Words r same, but where they r placed matters a lot...!
Hard work is Like stairs and Luck is Like a lift.

A Lift may fail sometimes but the
stairs will always get u to the TOP!
So start doing it
Memories Sumtimes Behave In a Crazy Way .

They Leave U Alone , When U R In Crowd & When u R Alone They Stand With U Like A Crowd :)
A broken heart is Like a borken mirror.
It is better to leave it broken
than hurt yourself trying to fix it
If we desire to blossom Like a rose in
the garden, then we must learn the art of adjusting with the thorns. Difficulties will make you shine
Thought Of The Day

Arguing With A Boss Is Just Like Wrestling With A Pig In Mud..

After Some Time You Realize That You Are getting Dirty And The Pig Is Enjoying It ..
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

AlL LoVe

ThAt HaS No FrIeNdShIp FoR ItS BaSe

Is Like A MaNsIoN bUiLt UpOn ThE SaNd