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All Love That Has Not Friendship For Its Base,

Is Like A Mansion Built Upon The Sand.
A Wonderful Saying..

Trying To Forget Someone Whom

You Love A Lot Is Like

Trying To Remember


You''ve Never Met...!
Love Is Like Rose Bud ...

With A Lot Of Caring And Time It Grows And Grows

It''s A Long Process


In The End

It''s Beautiful =)
My Love For You Is Like

The Air I Breathe,

I Can''t See It

But I Always Feel It


Most Importantly

I Can''t Live Without It ... (:
Love Me But Love Me Like No Other !

Hold My Hand But Hold It Forever!

Care For Me But Care For Me Deep!

Take Me But Take Me To Keep!
There''s Is 1 Moment In Your Life

Whn You''re Wid Some1 & You Feel Like

The World Has Stopped &

Your Life Seems So Perfect

Make Sure You

Never Lose Tht Prson (:
There Is One Moment Is Your Life

When You Are With Someone


You Feel Like The World Has Stopped


Your Life Seems So Perfect

Make Sure

You Never Lose That Person ... :)
Love Is Like

Sun Coming Out Of The Clouds


Warming you Soul ... =)
When U Like Someone And When They R Not With U,

U Feel U Must Talk To Them,

Convey Them U Miss Them A Lot

But All These Feelings Are Expressed As Tears.

But When U Really See Them,

U Dont Talk,U Remain Silent.

Its The Place Where Silence Speaks

More Than Words.
You’re There For Me When I’m Lost
You’re There For Me At Every Cost
You’re There For Me Through Snow And Rain
You’re There For Me When I’m In Pain
You’re There For Me To Heal My Cut
You’re There For Me No Matter What
You’re There For Me Like An Angel From Above
To Watch Over Me And Teach Me How To Love

Like the stars in the sky
I am calling to you.
From the heavens above
I am looking for you.
In the depths of my soul
I will live and breathe for you.
Sadness dwells inside you
You have nothing to fear
for I am next to you.
I can feel your sadness
Let me be sad for you
so you will feel love once again.
Worry not about life
let me worry for you.
You should always love life
for it is a part of you.
I''ll be there when you fall
to catch you and say I Love You...
Love Is Like A Little Old Woman And A Little Old Man
Who Are Still Friends Even After
They Know Each Other So Well..

Its True Love..