I____you SMS Messages284 messages

Love is a temporary madness.
It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides.
And when it subsides you have to make a decision.
You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together
that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.
Because this is what love is.
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement,
it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion.
That is just being in love which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away,
and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
Your mother and I had it,
we had roots that grew towards each other underground,
and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches
we found that we were one tree and not two.
~ Captian Corelli's Mandolin.
When it’s not given in the rite time or
When it is not asked in the rite time,
You will miss something PRECIOUS in your life
It’s your birthday time again;
It’s true; there’s no denying,
Another year has come and gone;
You know that I’m not lying. So for you,
the birthday person,
Here’s what I want to say in Birthday Wishes:
I hope this birthday’s the best one yet,
In every delightful way.
So happy birthday to you.
Have lots of birthday [...]
Sardar and his wife applied in court for Divorce
Judge: How will you divide, you have 3 kids.
Sardar:ok, we should next year !
Don't be upset and get caught up with things
people that cannot change.
Instead, move on,
let go and focus on what you are able to change.
The things that enhance your life.
You deserve to be happy.
Good Morning
When a Guy does Something
Girl : You broke my Favorite
Lamp !!!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't
mean to..!! Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/
When a Girl does Something
Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!!
Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/
Hate has 4 letters' but so does love,
Enemies has 7, but so does friends,
Laying has 5, but so does truth,
Hurt has 5, but so does heal,
Negative has 8, but so does positive,,,
Transform every negative energy into an aura of positivity....
It's your perception that makes the difference in the way you feel be happy and make others happy
You may do to me what ever you wish to me but you shall not be able to touch my truth,

You may shed my blood and burn my body but you can't kill my spirit,

You may tie my hands with chains and feet with shackles and put me in dark prison but you can't enslave my thinking,

For it is as free as the breeze in the spacious sky
(Khalil Jibran)
When a Guy does Something Wrong...

Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp !!!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/

When a Girl does Something Wrong...

Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/
If I Met You On Tomorrow I Would Still Give

You My Heart If You Should Say,

"Do You Still Love Me?" I"D Say,

"Till Death Do Us Part"

Happy Anniversary
Always smile ,you know why?
B’coz…..Hanso! Jiyo! …
Muskurao!…Kya Pata…
Kal Daant ho na ho!…
Keep smiling..
The most important thing you fixed Was on your day of leisure When you fixed your eyes on me That day I”ll always treasure I love you** Happy Anniversary ***