I____you SMS Messages284 messages

A true friend is one who

sees a fault, gives you advice

and who defends you in your absence
You insult me? I can handle it.

You insult my best friend? You die

No one insults my friend more than me.
What does a Friend mean?
FRIEND Stands for
F: Forever with you
R: Remembers you in his prays
I: Increase you Joys
E: Enters into your heart
N: Never hurts you
D: Decrease you sorrows

I am proud my dear "friend"
True Friends are like Diamond
They are real and rare
And everyone want it

False Friends are like sand and dust
They are scattered everywhere
And everyone hate it.

Your are my diamond, Take cares of yourself
May the joy, cheer

Mirth and merriment of this divine festival Surround you forever

May the happiness that this season brings brighten your life


Hope the year brings you luck


Fulfills all your dearest dreams

Happy Deepavali/Diwali
And remember with gratitiude
Allahs favor on you;
for you were enemises and
He joined your hearts in love so
that by His grace you became
brethren and you were on the brink
of the
pit of fire and He saved you from it.
Only struggle, provides you the chance of success But
Addition of Faith in Allah Rab-Ul-Izzat converts this chance into guarantee..
In this WORLD,
where everything seems UNCERTAIN,
only one thing is DEFINITE.
You’ll always be my FRIEND,
beyond WORDS,
beyond TIME &
beyond DISTANCE!...................
Trust your heart don't be afraid to reach out to something new.Go ahead get yor hopes up even if things TURNS out differently than you have imagined.You will have tried,you will have LEARNed,you never have to live with regrets.It seems to me what wears us down the most in life aren't the chances we take but the ones we don't take,the dreams we put aside,the adventure we push away.So what ever you want in life go for it an dalways remember no-matter what trust youer heart Good Luck
Valentine's day is day of Love
When roses blossom
When leaves shine with dew drops
When birds sing songs
When my hearts is satisfied
That there is someone like you who cares about me.....

Thanks for all your love and emotions that accompanied me in my hard times and made me stronger enough to handle the difficulties. You will be always in my heart and mind. Never Forget me.

Love Someone …
Not Because They Give
You What You Need … !!!


Because They Give You Feelings
You Never Thought You Needed!
I Promised you once, I promise you twice,

This love will never end that i feel so deep inside,

I loved you yesterday and even more today

And I never want this feeling to go away,

Honey you are my Everything. I Love You.