I____you SMS Messages284 messages

Remember that you dont choose Love, Love chooses you!
all u can really do is accept it for all its mystery wen it comes into your life ...

Feel the way it fills you to over flowing, then reach out and give it away..
Loving you could take my life, but when I look into your eyes, I know you''re worth that sacrafice!
When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another
Accept the things

To which fate binds you


Love the people with whom fate

Brings you together

But do so with all your heart.
Accept the things

To which fate binds you


Love the people with whom fate

Brings you together

But do so with all your heart.
They Say Move On

N That Is What Exactly I Do
I Start Remembering Of Your Caring Hug
Of Your Gentle Kiss
Your Lovely Style Of Talking
Moving On To Every Word
That Reminds Me Of You
The Very You
N Then I Find I Have Moved On To A New Day
I Find Another Chance To Love You,In My Own Way
Love Is When . . .
There Are Million Things You Wanted To Say To Someone
When They Look You In The Eyes & Hold You In Their Arms
Nothing In Life Matters
Other Than Being With That Person At That Moment
When I say I love you,
It doesn’t mean just 3 words of love,
It means I care for you,
I trust u,
I believe you,
I miss you,
Love sometimes changes some moment
And sometimes WHOLE LIFE...;->
Sometimes You Don''t Realize How Much

You Care

For Someone,

Until They Stop Caring For You . . .

3 O''clock In The Night I Was Weeping
And You Thought That I Was Sleeping

You Saw Blood Pouring Out Of My Hand
And You Thought It Might Have Been Some Accident

You Saw Me Nearby Wherever You Went
And You Thought It Was Just Co-Incidence

Day And Night You Ruled My Imagination
And You Thought It Was Just Infatuation

Tensed And Dumb In Front Of You I Lay
And You Thought I Got Nothing To Say

When I Needed You I Cried In Pain
And You Thought I Was Lying Again

Hiding My Tears I Tried To Walk Tall
And You Thought I Didn''t Cry At All? . . . |''!''|
You Can Live Without

The Person Who Sayz

"You Are Mine"


You Can NEVER Live

Without Someone

Who Sayz

"I Am Yours"
''What Upsets Me Is Not

That You Lied To Me,

But That From Now On

I Can Longer

Believe You.