Do what you wish

Do what you wish
You may do to me what ever you wish to me but you shall not be able to touch my truth,

You may shed my blood and burn my body but you can't kill my spirit,

You may tie my hands with chains and feet with shackles and put me in dark prison but you can't enslave my thinking,

For it is as free as the breeze in the spacious sky
(Khalil Jibran)

Feb, 16 2013     343 chars (3 sms)     3194 views       Inspirational

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It is not true that people stop pursuing
dreams because they grow old, they grow old
because they stop pursuing dreams.
The significance of a man

is not in

what he attains


in what

he longs to attain.

~ Kahil Gibran ~
Losers make promises they often break.

Winners make commitments they always keep.
If you can''t have faith in what is held up to you for faith, you must find things to believe in yourself, for a life without faith in something is too narrow a space to live.
The World Suffers A Lot,
Not Because Of "VIOLENCE" Of Bad People
But Because Of
"SILENCE" Of Good People.
Break The Silence.


Is The

Twin Sister Of


One Is A Matter Of


The Other

A Matter Of Time ...
In The Long Run You Hit Only What You Aim At


Though You Should Fail Immidiately

You Better Aim At Something Really High
We always spend our lives thinking that what we deserve from others, so mostly our relations got hurt,

lets spend our lives thinking

"What others deserv from us"

this will make our lives too much easier to spend. Try it
Hurdles are always there in life,

Some LONG, Some SHORT,

Some HIGH, Some Low,

however NONE are PERSISTENT,

so keep walking and smiling.
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not
Life will be pleasant,

If we are satisfied with

What we have.

But will be more thrilling

If we make efforts to

Achieve what we desire
There are two kinds of people,

those that do the work and
those that take the credit.

Try to be in the first group,
there is less competition there