Aim for the stars

Aim for the stars
"Aim for the stars; that way the lowest thing you

can hit is the moon."..that''s the imporatance of dreaming big!!

Jun, 15 2010     118 chars (1 sms)     2145 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

"No candle loses its light while lighting another candle"
So never stop sharing and helping others because it makes ur life more meaningful.
"If you follow no other truth, follow the truth that within your being is called joy. If you follow that, you''re always going to be right where you need to be, and you will always have life within your being."
"To ENCOURAGE is nt the job of an ordinary persn..
It takezz COURAGE to stand up & guide..
Keeping ur painzz aside 4 the betterment of otherzz..!"
"Fallen flowers can''t climb back..."

So, Dont think past, love the the future..

world is yours..
The plus symbol (+) was made with two minus(- -)symbols.

so......all negative things can be shaped as POSITIVE by your hard work and positive thinking.
However High D Sky May B,
However Wide D River May B,
However Strong D Wind May B,
However Dark D Clouds May B
Just Remember
Its Non Of Ur Business
The Sweetest Music Is Not In The Oratorio

But In The Human Voice When

It Speaks From Its Instant Life Tones Of Tenderness, Truth Or Courage =)
If U Learn To Translate
Every Event Of Ur Life Into A Postive One.
U''ll Stop Being A Prisoner Of Ur Past
And Become The Architect Of Future
One day u wil ask me wat i Luv more...
You or My Life,and wen I wil say My Life..
you wil walk away from me without.
knowing...that ur MY LIFE....!
Constant Kindness
Can Accomplish Much

As The Sun Makes
Ice Melt

Kindness Causes
Mistrust And Hostility
To Evaporate ...
Do Not Limit Your Challenges

Challenge Ur Limits . . .

Born Wid Personality Is An Accident


Dying As A Personality Is An Achievement
LiFe Is TrAvElLeD OnLi OnCe..2dAy''s MoMeNt BeCuMs 2mOrOw''S MeMoRy...EnJoY EvRy MoMeNt..No MaTtEr GoOd Or bAd ....CoZ D gIfT Of LiFe Is LiFe ItSeLf!!!