When u believe

When u believe
When u believe someone deeply, Misunderstanding arises ,
but dnt feel for it
Because Some Misunderstandings
are needed 4 good understanding.
Its a secret... (:

Jun, 14 2010     164 chars (2 sms)     1835 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

"I prefer t0 be a 1st class citizen
0f a 3rd class c0untry rather than
being a 3rd class citizen
of a 1st class c0untry."

As A Mirror Reflects All The Things Held Before It


When Ur Mind''s Mirror Is Clam U Wud B Able To See Reflected In It

The True Qulaities Of Others
Trust Urself
Cre8 d Kind Of Self Tht
U''ll b Happy 2 Live Wid
All Ur Lyf
Make d Most Of Urself
By Fanning d Tiny, Iner
Sparks Of Possibility In
2 Flames Of Achievements ... :)
Forget your own
happiness by trying
to create a little
happiness for the
others ...

When you are good to
You are best to
yourself ... :)
1)if ur heart obeys ur mind u will rule the world...

2)if ur mind obeys ur heart u will win the love of the world.....

wat wil u prefer to be the king of the world(1)
or to be loved by all (2)
Bullet Goes Forward Only After Pressing The Trigger Backward.

Every Human Being Will Get Success

Only After Facing The Difficulties In Their Life Path
Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions -
Why am I doing it,
What the results might be and
Will I be successful.
Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead
Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven.
Hate has 4 letters' but so does love,
Enemies has 7, but so does friends,
Laying has 5, but so does truth,
Hurt has 5, but so does heal,
Negative has 8, but so does positive,,,
Transform every negative energy into an aura of positivity....
It's your perception that makes the difference in the way you feel be happy and make others happy
One Day Ur Dreams Will Come True. . . One Day Ur Presence Shall Be Precious. . . One Day You''ll Be The Happiest Person In This World And That Day May Be Today . . . .

Never Loose Hope. . . :)
People are not remembered by how few times they fail but by how often they succeed. Every wrong step is another step forward
Challenges Are Like Trees Seen Through A Running Train . . .
As You Approach Them They Grow Bigger, Once You Pass Them They Become Smaller! ! !
So Never Be Afraid Of Them