A diamond is merel

A diamond is merel
A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. So imagine how brilliant a human being can be by sustaining pressures of life. Be hopeful..

Jun, 15 2010     156 chars (1 sms)     2003 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Secret of success
Sir, " What is the secret of your success?" a reporter asked a bank President.

"Two words."

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Right decisions."

"And how do you make right decisions?"

"One word.''

"And, sir, What is that?"

"Experience. "

"And how do you get Experience?"

"Two words"

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Wrong decisions ."
Gairon Se Manga To Zillat Mili

ALLAH Se Manga To Izzat Mili

Aye Mangne Wale Mang Usi Se Jo Deta Hai Kushi Se


Kehta Nahi Ksi Se .....
A clay pot having milk

will be ranked higher

than a golden pot having poison.

Its not our outer glamour

but our inner virtues

that make us valuable.
Speech By
Bryan Dyson
(CEO Coca Cola)

"Imagine life as a game
in which you r juggling
some 5 balls in the air
You name ''em
"Work, Family, Health,
Friends n Spirit"
You r keeping all of
these in the air

You''ll soon understand
Work is rubber ball

If you drop it, it''ll bounce


The Other 4 balls
"Family, Health, Friends
& Spirit"
r made of glass
If you drop 1 of these,
they will b irrecoverably
Lyf''s Ups n Down Provide Windows Of Opportunity To Determine Ur VALUES n GOALS...
Think Of Using All Obstacle As STEPPING STONES To Build The Life U Want . . .
Success is like a train.
It has several compartments: Hardwork, Focus, Luck, etc.
but leading all those is the engine of confidence.
So keep it fit
Remeber There Are

Three "R''s"

Important In Life ...

1 - "R" espect For Self

2 - "R" espect For Others

3 - "R" esponsibility For All Your Actions ...
The little plans I tried to carry
Have failed
O'' Dear God.
But, I will not sorrow
I will pause a little while
And try again tomorrow.

Anushree Karnani
The Duck Looks Smooth n Calm On Top Of Water


Underneath Ther Is Restless Peddling . . .

Similiarly In Life Nothing Worth while Comes
Without Struggle . . .
YoUr VisIoN
WiLl bEcOmE cLeaR oNlY
yOu cAn LoOk iNtO
yOuR OwN hEaRt .
WhO lOoKs oUtsIdE,
wHo LoOkS iNsIdE
aWaKeNs ...
"You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being, not because anybody says so, not because you''re successful, not because you make a lot of money, but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason."
success is nothing more than a few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily. and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.