A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. So imagine how brilliant a human being can be by sustaining pressures of life. Be hopeful..
True Freedom Is n
Inner Thing
Its A State Of Mind
Its A Deliberate Exercise
Of Choice
If V Think
V Are Bound By
External Force,
V Are Deceiving
Ourselves ..
life is a game of cards , u did not invent it nor did u form the rules,u hav no control overthe cards dealt to u but u r there to play
a good player even with a badband of cards will play well and emerge a winner a bad player even with best of cards will play badly and lose.
how r u playing it?
The art of living does not consist
in preserving and clinging
to a particular mood of happiness,
but in allowing happiness
to change its form without
being disappointed by the change;
for happiness, like a child,
must be allowed to grow up.