KhaLiL JibRan Says

KhaLiL JibRan Says
KhaLiL JibRan Says : " Dukh iS Baat Ka Nahi K Jo Usnay Kaha Woh Tlakh Tha,
Dukh iS Baat Ka Hai Jo Tlakh Tha Woh Usnay kaha " :-<

Na Kar JAn|x . . . ;->

Jun, 15 2010     162 chars (2 sms)     2334 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

You cannot change your future...

but, u can change ur habits...

and sure ur habits will change ur future.
Champions are not Superhumans,
They just fight for 1 extra second,
When every 1 else quit,
Just remember somtimes 1 extra second of effort gives u Success
GoOd ChaRaCtEr iS dA best tOmBsToNe

ThOsE WhO LoVeD U n HeLpeD bY U

WiLl remember u WheN fOrGeT-Me-NoTs r WiTheReD

CaRvE uR NaMe oN
NoT On MaRbLeS ?
A child on farm sees plane fly overhead
& dreamz of a far away place.
D Pilot on d plane sees d farmhouse
& dreamz of his home.
Dats life!:)
Life Teaches U To Smile
Also Teaches U To Cry
It May Be Ironical
Its True That
U Can''t Know Value Of Smile Until U Cry
Widout me,I know u wud still b complete,

widout me u can still go on,

widout me u can still liv ur life,

bt since I m here,

I hope I make a difference.: -)
There Is A Garden In Her Face,
Where Roses And White Lilies Blow;
A Heavenly Paradise Is That Place,
Wherein All Pleasant Fruits Do Grow.
There Cherries Grow That None May Buy,
Till Cherry Ripe Themselves Do Cry
In the East, love means '' Give, Give and Give '' without wishing any favor in return.
"No candle loses its light while lighting another candle"
So never stop sharing and helping others because it makes ur life more meaningful.
Our Incomes Are Like Our Shoes

If Too Small, They Gall And Pinch Us


If Too Large, They Cause Us To Stumble And To Trip
The Future?

Like Unwritten Books


Unborn Children,

You Don''t Talk About It.
WhAt LoOkS tO b NoThInG
fInAlLy ThAt BeCoMeS eVeRyThInG
WhAt Is EvErYtHiNg
SuDdEnLy ChAnGeS tO nOtHiNg ...

ThAt''Z "L I F E"

LeArN tO lIvE
LiVe To LeArN