LIFE Is The Art

LIFE Is The Art
LIFE Is The Art Of DRAWING Without Eraser.


Be Careful While Taking Any Small Decision
About Valuable Pages Of Life.

Jun, 14 2010     131 chars (1 sms)     2096 views       Inspirational

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2 B Success In Life

Forgt D Prblms Dat U Face

But Don''t Forget

D Lessons Dat

Those Problems Tought 2 U
Winning is not always about being at the first position..
Its doing better than what you did earlier..
ThE sEcReT oF sUcCeSs Is ClEaR

iTs SiMpLe AnD tRuE

iTs NoT iN dOiNg WhAt YoU lIkE


LiKiNg WhAt YoU dO ... =)
Power Consists In One''s Capacity
To Link His Will
With The Purpose Of others,
To Lead By Reason
A Gift Of Cooperation.
The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.
When Thomas Edison Invented The Light Bulb,
He Tried Over 2,000 Experiments Before
He Got It To Work.

A Young Reporter Asked Him How
It Felt To Fail So Many Times. .
He Said,
" I Never Failed Once .
I Invented The Light Bulb.
It Just Happened To Be A 2,000 Step Process
Our Mind
Work Like
A Garden
We Plant.
Good or Evil
Constructive or Destructive
Our Lives Will Bear
The Fruit Of
The Seeds
We Plant In
Our MInds . . .
Come to the edge,
we can''t we are afraid
Come to the edge,
we can''t we will fall
Come to the edge,
and they came
...and he pushed them
...and they flew
If you create an act, you create a habit.
If you create a habit, you create character. If you create a character, you create a destiny.
The tragedy of life is some what like this. . .
Just when we get all the answers of life. . .
Life changes the Question''. . . . .
Loss leaves us empty
Learn not 2 close ur
Heart & Mind in grief
Allow life to replenish U.
Whn sorrow comes it seems
New joys wait 2 fill d void... :)
Play the game of life with the attitude of "PLAYING TO WIN"
and not with the attitude of "PLAYING NOT TO LOSE".

(think about it, it makes a lot of difference)